毕业论文关键词: 潜伏式浇口;壳体塑料;模具设计
The design of intelligent sanitary ware sensor shell plastic mold
Abstract: The product is a sensor shell plastic parts intelligent toilet products, products for control of weld cracking risk, the appearance of strains, belonging to the non appearance surface, but no obvious visual defects, forming material for forming stable ABS, do not contain toxic and harmful substances. Students can use the foundation should the professional for the sensor shell plastic parts intelligent toilet products, products for control of weld cracking risk, the appearance of strains, belonging to the non appearance surface, but no obvious visual defects, forming material for forming stable ABS, do not contain toxic and harmful substances. Students can use the basic theory, method and skill of the professional knowledge and related professional, comprehensive use, according to the structure of the product and the combination of product quality requirements, design in line with the actual production levels, with advanced structure, reasonable process, mould with high economic performance, manufacturing process and formulation of the main parts of the die, the concrete to solve the problem of mold and molding. Can master the basic process of the plastic mold design, improve the computer aided design and consulting related documents, design documents, standards and norms and other basic skills, completed the graduation design calculation and manual task theory, method and skill, knowledge and comprehensive application of related professionals, according to the structure of the product and the combination of product quality requirements, design in line with the actual the level of production, mould structure with advanced, reasonable technology, with high economic performance, manufacturing process and formulation of the main parts of the die, the specific problem solving process of mold and molding. Can master the basic process of the plastic mold design, improve the computer aided design and consulting related documents, design documents, standards and norms and other basic skills, completed the graduation design calculation and manual taskst.
Key words: Submarine gate; Plastic shell; Mold design;
目  录
1  模具发展趋势分析  1
2  注塑机的选用与校核 3
2.1 注塑机的选择3
2.2 注塑机的校核3
2.2.1  最大注射量的校核3
2.2.2 锁模力校核 4
2.2.3 模具与注塑机安装部分相关尺寸校核4
3  浇注系统的设计5
3.1  主流道的设计5
3.2  分流道的设计5
3.3  浇口的设计6
  3.4  冷料井和拉料杆的设计7
3.4.1  冷料井和拉料杆的作用7
3.4.2  拉料杆的设计 7
4  塑料成型工艺分析 9
4.1  塑料结构特点9
4.2  塑料材料特性9
4.3  塑料材料成型性能10
4.4  注塑成型工艺参数10
5  塑料成型方案设计 12
5.1  分型面选择12
5.2  型腔数的确定12
5.3  型腔布局15
5.4  成型零件结构设计15
















