关键词 锻造 车间管理 信息系统 AHP 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Design and Research of a Workshop Management System of a High-end Forging Company
The integration of IT and industrialization are promoted strongly nationwide. One vital part of IT in manufacturing enterprises is the workshop management system. This paper is based on a practical project of information system for a high-end forging company. The main contents are as follows:
Firstly, the requirements analysis and overall design of the DVR heat treatment workshop system, on the basis of the investigation of production process and management, are finished. Secondly, the function modules are analyzed and designed in detail, including the evaluation of outsourcing companies based on AHP, the Order/Inverted planning model, and dispatching optimization referring to SCR principle. Finally, the DVR heat treatment workshop management system is adopted in B/S architecture, and the design of database and prototype interface is described.
Keywords forging workshop management information system AHP
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 车间管理概述 1
1.3 车间管理技术发展的现状和趋势 2
1.4 论文主要研究内容和结构 4
2 车间管理系统需求分析和总体设计 6
2.1 DVR车间管理分析 6
2.2 热处理车间管理系统需求分析 10
2.3 热处理车间管理系统总体设计 12
2.4 本章小结 15
3 热处理车间管理系统详细设计 16
3.1 生产任务管理 16
3.2 装炉计划管理 23
3.3 检验管理 27
3.4 辅料管理 28
3.5 系统数据库设计 29
3.6 本章小结 31
4 热处理车间管理系统的界面设计 32
4.1 系统的开发模式 32
4.2 系统人机界面设计 33
4.3 本章小结 37
结论 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景及研究意义