关键词: 拨叉;专用夹具;夹具;经济;技术。
Fork Keyway Milling Machine Design
Abstract:In the actual production often found only universal fixture can not meet the requirement of production, workpiece clamping fixture with the production efficiency and low labor intensity, and the quality is not high, and often need to increase the marking process etc.. Shift fork shift in the lathe structure, the main shift, make the spindle rotary movement of workers in accordance with the requirements, to obtain the required speed and torque. Keyway milling is a machining process in the common procedure, in mass production if the general milling machine for processing not only inconvenience and a waste of milling machine, one machine with multiple functions, the fork keyway milling of plane design. The design of hand first fixture. Analysis of parts processing, determine the clamping scheme according to the six positioning principle, calculated clamping force and location error. Design appropriate clamping mechanism, design. Then, the design of special purpose machine, according to the selection of tool machining requirements, calculation of cutting force, cutting power and other parameters. Finally, the economic and technical analysis and gives the conclusion of the whole design.
Keywords: Fork; fixture; fixture; technical economy
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 课题的来源、设计的主要目的..1
1.1.1 课题的来源 1
1.1.2 设计的主要目的 1
1.2 解决的主要问题和设计总体思路 1
2 国内外的发展状况及现状的介绍 1
3 总体方案论证 2
4 具体设计说明 2
4.1 拨叉零件分析 2
4.1.1拨叉的加工工艺 2
4.1.2拨叉的加工工艺设计 3
4.2 专用夹具设计 9
4.2.1 对夹具设计进行技术分析 9
4.2.2 定位方案的选择 9
4.2.3 定位元件及其结构 11
4.2.4 定位误差的分析及计算 12
4.2.5 工件在夹具中的夹紧 14
4.3 夹具体的设计 18
4.3.1 夹具体的设计 18
4.3.2 对刀装置设计 19
4.3.3 夹具在机床上的定位 20
4.4 确定电动机的型号: 21
4.4.1 选择电动机类型: 21
4.4.2 选择电动机功率: 22
4.4.3 选择电动机的转速: 23
4.5 确定传动装置的总传动比及各级分配: 23
4.5.1 计算各轴的输入功率: 23
4.5.2 计算各轴的转速 23