关键词 小口径步枪 枪机 人机工效 可靠性 精度 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title The overall design of new small-caliber rifle system
With the development of science and technology, our country's active weapon has exposed many problems to some extent. To shorten the gap between our country's firearms and foreign arms。This paper takes the overall design of the new small caliber rifle as the subject .First, the development of the gun and the development of small caliber weapon are introduced, then By listing of the advantages and disadvantages of China's 56, 95 and 03 rifle, We sum up the lack of firearms designed in our country and then the design idea are presented .By referring to the relevant information, the mechanism and its movement mode of the gun are selected and determined. Finally, the shape of the gun designed by the structure of the gun has been drawn, also, some main parameters of the gun are selected based on ergonomics.
Keywords Small-caliber rifle Rifle bolt Ergonomics Reliability Accuracy
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 小口径步枪的发展背景与发展意义 1
1.2 国内的步枪发展 2
1.2.1 国内步枪的优缺点 2
1.2.2 国外步枪的发展和最新理念 5
1.3 本枪的设计理念 5
2 枪械的结构确定 7
2.1 自动方式的确定 7
2.1.1 导气式 7
2.1.2 枪机后坐式 7
2.1.3 自动方式的确定 8
2.2 闭锁机构的确定 9
2.2.1 闭锁机构的选用 9
2.2.2 枪机的确定 10
2.3 击发方式的确定 11
2.4 供弹机构的确定 12
2.5 有无托的确定 12
2.6 退壳机构的确定 13
2.7 发射机机构的确定 13
3 根据人机工效确定部分尺寸 15
3.1 全枪的长度 15
3.1.1 枪管的长度 15
3.1.2 机匣的长度 17
3.1.3 枪托的设计 18
3.1.4 复进簧的设计 19
3.2 材料的选择和总体质量的估计 23
3.2.1 枪管材料的确定 23
3.2.2 枪机材料的对比选择 27
3.2.3 其余质量的确定 29
3.3 其余机构人机工效的设计 30