关键词 红外辐射 多孔介质 伪装遮障 伪装效果 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title The Effect Analysis of different models of camouflage screens
Regarding to different models of military camouflage material, we retains its main shape and material properties, and establish different three-dimensional models, then we conclude that its effect on the camouflage surface flow field and temperature field. We simplify the porous media model which can achieve the same effect of military camouflage material. We simulate the temperature of outdoor bungalows and the ambient under natural conditions and the situation added camouflage simplified model respectively, and then analyzed camouflage effect in day and night. The results show that different models are suitable for different camouflage external environmental conditions. Three kinds of camouflage materials can rise to camouflage effect by changing the surface temperature and the flow field around. Under the condition of the bare sandy, the first model that is strengthen the convection is suitable for camouflage at night, and the second model that is weaken the cooling is suitable for forest camouflage, finally,the third model that have two kinds of effects of the above is designed and it is suitable for camouflage during the day.
Keywords infrared radiation porous media camouflage screen
camouflage effect
目 次
1. 引言 1
1.1 应用背景 1
1.2 红外伪装的研究现状 2
1.2.1 目标表面辐射温度的分析与计算 2
1.2.2 关于伪装模型建立的研究 2
1.2.1 伪装效果的模拟和分析的研究 2
1.3 本文的主要工作内容 3
2. 伪装模型的简化 5
2.1伪装材料局部特性分析模型 5
2.1.1 几何模型的建立 5
2.1.2 计算模型的建立 7
2.1.3 计算结果分析 10
2.2多孔介质简化模型的确立 12
2.2.1 几何模型的建立 12
2.2.1 计算模型的建立 13
2.2.2 计算结果分析 14
3. 实际伪装效果分析模型 16
3.1 几何模型的建立 16
3.2 计算模型的建立 16
3.3 伪装效果分析 18
3.3.1 对照模型模拟结果 18