摘要:本设计的题目是数控成型平面磨床磨头及修整机构的设计,数控磨床是首先通过用模具将砂轮修整成型,在用修整成型之后的砂轮使用拉刀或者类似拉刀的手法对工件进行磨削。 本设计主要包括:总体设计、磨头设计和修整机构的设计。 绪论部分对数控成型平面磨床的特点做了介绍,阐述了现如今数控平面磨床的发展趋势,同时还有介绍磨头和修整机构的运用实例。论文主体内容对总体设计跟磨头设计以及修整器的设计做了简要的介绍,主要是磨头及修整器中的各部件及其运行方式,包括修整器工作原理、电机的选择、导轨的选择和联轴器的选择等做了详细的说明。 34049 毕业论文关键词:数控,精密,平面磨床,修整机构。
The design of CNC forming plane grinding machine and dressing mechanism
Abstract: This design topic is shaping NC plane grinder grinding head and a conditioning mechanism design, numerical control molding plane grinder is mainly used for grinding plane, so that the processing surface shaping and meet the requirements of roughness. This design mainly includes: design, design and repair mechanism of grinding head. The introduction the characteristics of numerical control molding plane grinder is introduced, now NC plane grinder development trend were introduced in this paper, and also introduced the application of grinding and dressing mechanism. The main content of this paper is on the overall design and the design of grinding head and dresser design made a brief introduction, mainly is grinding head and a dresser in the components and operation mode, including dresser working principle, motor selection, guide the selection and coupling to do a detailed explanation. Keywords: numerical control, precision, planar grinder, dressing mechanism.
1 绪论 1
1.1 数控成型平面磨床的概述 1
1.2 数控成型平面磨床特点 3
1.3 数控成型平面磨床及成型磨削技术的发展趋势 4
2 数控成型平面磨床磨头及数控修整器设计的介绍 5
2.1 数控成型平面磨床磨头的简介 5
2.2 数控砂轮修整器工作原理 6
2.2.1 钢滚轮成形挤压法 6
2.2.2 金刚石笔修整法 7
2.2.3 金刚石滚轮修整法(磨削法) 8
2.2.4选择最佳的方式 9
2.3 本设计中数控修整器最优设计选取 9
3 设计要点 10
3.1 电机的选择 10
3.1.1 步进电机 10
3.1.2 伺服电机 11
3.1.3 步进电机和伺服电机的区别 11
3.2 交叉十字导轨的选择 12
3.3 滚珠丝杠副的选择 10
3.4 波纹管弹性联轴器 11
3.5 角接触球轴承 12
3.6 底座和托板的设计 12
3.7 技术要求与参数 14
3.7.1 主要组成 14