Design of flue gas purification system for a company16500KVA calcium carbide furnace
Abstract:China's calcium carbide industry of about a thousand electric furnaces, the annualoutput of the world's first place. Due to the scale, furnace, layout, energy saving, andenvironmental protection, there is a problem of high energy consumption and seriouspollution.. With the rapid development of economy in China, the dust pollution of theresource-based enterprises is becoming more and more serious, which will hinder thedevelopment of our economy..Therefore, it is necessary to deal with these gases.. Wuhaimagpow Chemical Co., Ltd. is the production of calcium carbide of large enterprises, thecompany has a 16500KVA in the semi closed type calcium carbide furnace, a large amount ofhigh temperature flue gas generated in the production process temporarily improve thepurification dust removal facilities, emission with flue gas dust concentrations exceed theemission standards stipulated by the state. It not only pollutes the air, and caused the price ofmaterial loss and waste. Therefore, it is urgent to control the flue gas effectively, realize thewin-win of the enterprise economic benefit and the environment benefit.. The purpose of thisdesign is to strive to Wuhai magpow Chemical Co., Ltd. 16500KVA semi hermetic calciumcarbide furnace emissions of soot purification can meet the national discharge standard.With therapid development of economy in China, the dust pollution of the resource-based enterprises isbecoming more and more serious, which will hinder the development of our economy..Therefore, it is necessary to deal with these gases.. Wuhai magpow Chemical Co.,Ltd. is the production of calcium carbide of large enterprises, the company has a 16500KVA inthe semi closed type calcium carbide furnace, a large amount of high temperature flue gasgenerated in the production process temporarily improve the purification dust removal facilities,emission with flue gas dust concentrations exceed the emission standards stipulated by the state.It not only pollutes the air, and caused the price of material loss and waste. Therefore, it isurgent to control the flue gas effectively, realize the win-win of the enterprise economic benefitand the environment benefit..Due to the scale, furnace, layout, energy saving, andenvironmental protection, there is a problem of high energy consumption and seriouspollution.. With the rapid development of economy in China, the dust pollution of theresource-based enterprises is becoming more and more serious, which will hinder thedevelopment of our economy..Therefore, it is necessary to deal with these gases.. Wuhaimagpow Chemical Co., Ltd. is the production of calcium carbide of large enterprises, thecompany has a 16500KVA in the semi closed type calcium carbide furnace, a large amount ofhigh temperature flue gas generated in the production process temporarily improve thepurification dust removal facilities, emission with flue gas dust concentrations exceed theemission standards stipulated by the state. It not only pollutes the air, and caused the price ofmaterial loss and waste.
Key Words:Calcium carbide smelting furnace, purification dust, air cooler, long bag oflow-pressure pulse precipitator
1 绪论..1
1.1 电石的性质和用途.. 1
1.2 电石生产工艺简介.. 1
1.3 高温烟气的危害以及通风除尘的意义 2
1.3.1 粉尘的危害.2
1.3.2 高温辐射的危害..3
1.3.3 通风除尘的意义..4
1.4 电石行业烟气治理技术的发展 4
2 工程概况.. 6
2.1 某化工有限公司概况. 6
2.2 地理与气象资料 6
2.3 电石炉烟气、粉尘特性 6
2.3.1 16500KVA半密闭式电石炉废气性质 6
2.3.2 粉尘性质..7
2.3.3 排放要求与取值..7
2.3.4 除尘效率..8
2.4 设计依据 8
3 16500KVA电石炉烟气的治理. 9
3.1 除尘器的概述. 9
3.1.1 旋风或重力除尘..9
3.1.2 电除尘.10
3.1.3 布袋除尘器..11














