After to get the project, to a large number of literature retrieval, and therefore on the chinalco copper co., LTD., for two weeks of production practice, the subject content have deeper understanding and understanding, also have a preliminary to the graduation design scheme. White copper in the market has a wide range of USES, such as manufacturing equipment, instrumentation, medical equipment and other precision instruments. , according to the requirements of the design plan descriptions of the product system of smelting and rolling system and force to parameters of design calculation and equipment ability to complete the whole process, such as the strength of demand, to achieve the requirements of the product delivery status. Finally according to the product scheme, and with the purpose of the product performance, set the product brand for BZn15-20 of copper, the raw material size is 15 mm * 430 mm * 6600 mm, and the finished product size is 1. 0 mm x 40 mm, delivery status to soft state.

BZn15-20 of the main composition of copper is 63% copper and 15% of cobalt and nickel, 20% of the zinc and other elements, % 1, 1 allowance of impurities.

The BZn15-20 COINS of the whole process of design, roughly as follows:

1. The ratio of raw materials and smelting and casting. By copper melting furnace heating with water after adjusting for holding furnace heat preservation and the analysis of the ingredients into the horizontal continuous casting machine casting, cast ingot billet.

2. Cold rolled, intermediate annealing. Adopts the method of belt type rolling, namely after uncoiling copper billet into rolling, cold rolling mill, under pressure systems set by rules after coiling, the use of bell type annealing furnace for the intermediate annealing improve copper billet plastic properties. The end of the cold rolling, the thickness of the copper billet can meet the requirements of the finished product size.

3. The shear straightening, product quality testing. Confirm the product meet the design requirements, can packaging warehousing, waiting for the delivery of the goods.

Product technical requirements is available when the entire design brief: good size precise flatness, smooth surface of high performance.

When choosing design used equipment, the main reference for chinalco on copper co., LTD., equipment used in the production, the main production equipment and auxiliary equipment are: 1.5 tonnes of low frequency electric furnace with core, 4.0 tons of thermal insulation of electric furnace, horizontal continuous casting machine, cutting machine, coiling machine, double-sided milling, four high reversible cold rolling mill, the bell type annealing furnace, transverse shearing machine, etc.

Will force can parameters such as rolling force calculation by formulating suitable for VB language, and use CAD to map workshop layout, roll, etc., make full use of the advantage and application of computer in the actual production. And and ancillary equipment capacity of frame, motor, etc, this article main economic indicators were calculated for workshop, make sure the whole design can be used in practical production.

This design mainly elaborated the subject sources and BZn15-20 copper production technical requirements, and according to the chinalco copper co., LTD., the existing production equipment and production line design and reasonable product process flow, and the products during the production of smelting system, production system to parameter calculation, equipment making, force strength, motor respectively, auxiliary equipment capacity calculation and calculation of the workshop main economic indicators, using CAD map production workshop layout, roll, rolling mill roll force and bending torque diagram.

Key words: white copper; Product design; Process system; Production equipment


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