[毕业论文关键词]: YL25 轮胎压路机 前轮 挡泥板 转向机构
The Design of Front Wheels for The YL25 Pneumatic Tyred Roller
Abstract Rollers are large-scale projects must have the machinery and equipment, for example, when road building, repair train tracks when it needs to. Smart tire type roller relatively active, with respect to the drum of the roller wheels, which have a certain softness can be fully pressed to the surface. So this sense, tire roller still has great advantages, which is why we want to study its meaning.
The issue is YL25 type tire roller wheel design, the purpose of the task is in line with the premise of the correct parameters, design better quality wheel system. Including the design of the front wheel shaft design verification and stood above the axis of the tire model as well as its selection and so on.
In this design, the calculated data and the force required for each part of their time there. And also somehow their respective models. There are pictures of each part and assembly have been drawn in a drawing, you can see.
The front of the system axis of the column, for blocking the board and institutional soil for controlling the direction and swing all member association, in order to maintain consistency on the whole. Because the front roller to the support of nearly all of most of the power, so the responsibility, the need to ensure its stability as well as basic safety. Therefore, the design is very necessity.
Key Words:YL25 pneumatic tyred roller front wheel splash guard splash guard
摘要 I
Abstract II
图清单 VI
表清单 VI
1 绪论 1
2 基本参数的确定 4
3 转向轮轴计算 8
3.1 前轮轴水平受力分析 10
3.2 计算支反力 10
3.3 计算水平弯矩 10
3.4 垂直力分析 11
3.5 计算垂直支反力 11
3.6 计算垂直弯矩 11
3.7 计算合成弯矩 12
3.8 计算O截面的抗弯模数 12
3.9 计算弯曲应力