摘要现阶段,我国制刷业基本停留在人工生产和半自动生产相结合的阶段,生 产效率低下、资源浪费严重。欧美等国家已经对相关技术做出了很多有益的探 索。为了响应国家科技创新的口号,提高制刷业的制造水平,增强我国制刷企 业的国际竞争力,特进行本课题的研究。73834

本文对现有半自动打钉机进行深入研究和分析,通过将半自动打钉技术和 生产自动化技术的结合,设计完成油漆刷制刷机打钉机构的设计。本课题研究 设计的全自动打钉系统包括摇钉机构、控钉机构、打钉机构、旋转机构、拨动 输送机构和打钉机架六个部分。摇钉机构负责整理钉子并持续提供钉子;控钉 机构负责将钉子按照一次一个的原则将钉子送入到钉头特定位置;打钉机构负 责完成正面和反面打钉;旋转机构负责将已经完成正面打钉的油漆刷翻转,以 便进行反面打钉;拨动输送装置负责将工件准确送到各个工位;打钉机架在整 个工作过程中起到了良好的支承作用。整个打钉系统通过传感器和 PLC 实现自 动化控制。本研究所设计的自动化打钉设备圆满完成了自动打钉的动作,很好 地解决了打钉生产过程中的人力资源浪费、效率低下等问题。

本文对自动化打钉系统的各个组成机构进行了详尽的分析,并对可能出现 的问题都做出了合理解决,达到了此次研究预期的目标。

该论文有图 28 幅,参考文献 19 篇。

毕业论文关键词:自动打钉 油漆刷 PLC

Design of Nail Mechanism for Paint Brush

Abstract At the present stage, the brush industry in our country stays at the stage of the combination of the artificial production and the semi automatic production, where the production efficiency is low and the resources waste is serious. Europe and the United States have made a lot of useful exploration of the relevant technology. The research is carried out in this paper in order to respond to the national scientific and technological innovation, to improve the manufacturing level of the manufacturing industry, and to enhance the international competitiveness of China's manufacturing enterprises.

In this paper, a thorough research and analysis of the existing semi-automatic nailing machine is carried out through the combination of semi-automatic nail technology and production automation technology to design paint brush machine. In this paper, the automatic playing system includes shaking pin mechanism, controlling pin mechanism, nailing mechanism, rotating mechanism, conveying mechanism and a nailing rack. Shaking pin mechanism is responsible for finishing nails and providing the nails; controlling pin mechanism is responsible for the nails in accordance with the principles of one at a time; nailing mechanism is responsible for the completion of the positive and negative nailing; rotating mechanism is responsible to make positive hits the nail on the paint brush to negative nailing; conveying device is used to send the workpieces to the right of each station; nailing rack in the whole working process played a good supporting role. Automatic control of the whole system is through the sensor and PLC. The automatic nailing device designed in this research has successfully completed the action of automatic nailing, which solved the problem of waste of human resources and low efficiency.

In this paper, a detailed analysis of the various components of the automated nailing system is carried out and a reasonable guess is made. Finally, this paper solves the problems that may arise and achieve the goal of the study.

There are 28 figures and 19 references in this paper.

Key Words: automatic nail paint brush

















