摘要自从2008年全球金融危机以来,全球船市开始走下坡路,我国造船业也不可避免 的受到波及,有一些小规模的船厂也因此入不敷出,最终倒闭。近几年来,全球造船 市场有明显的回暖趋势,我国造船业订单量也有所增加。现在金融危机还没过去,但 我们要学会从这次危机中汲取经验,只有提高船厂工人工作能力、提高生产效率、改 变订单结构、改变船厂老旧的经营模式并积极探索具有自身特色的经验模式,才能有 效避免再次遭遇造船业行情低迷的波及。81940
本文首先叙述了我国造船业发展的背景、国内外研究现状及存在的问题。紧接着 简明介绍多用途船的分类以及特点和多用途船的发展历史。再介绍船舶生产设计理念 是如何诞生、发展以及我国对于造船生产设计技术的引进和大力推广。
本文以课题“12500DWT多用途船货舱底部224/234分段船体生产设计”为例。介 绍了分段位置、分段结构特点、分段建造方法和分段焊接方式。然后以货舱底部 221/231分段为例绘制分段结构图,拼板图、吊环吊码图并编写零件编码表。
毕业论文关键词: 造船生产设计;多用途船;吊环吊码;涂装
Abstract Since the 2008 global financial crisis, the global ship, began to decline, the shipbuilding industry in China is inevitably affected, there is a small shipyard and therefore to make ends meet, finally collapse。 In recent years, the world shipbuilding market has obvious rebound trend, our country shipbuilding orders also increased。 Now the financial crisis is not the past, but we have to learn to draw experience from the crisis, only improve shipyard workers work ability, improve production efficiency, change order structure, shipyard old business model has its own characteristics, and actively explore the mode of experience, can effectively avoid encounters the shipbuilding market downturn。
This article first narrates the background of our country shipbuilding industry development, domestic and foreign research present situation and existing problems。 Followed by a brief introduces the classification and characteristics of multi-purpose ship and multi-purpose the development history of the ship。 To introduce ship production design idea is how to birth, development and design of our country for shipbuilding production technology introduction and vigorously promoted。
Based on the topic "12500 DWT multipurpose ship cargo 224/234 section at the bottom of the hull production design" as an example。 Introduce the position and structure characteristics of every block, fabricating method and subsection welding way。 Then block diagram is drawn in cargo compartment at the bottom of the 221/231 section as an example, the makeup figure and write parts, rings hanging code table。
Key word: shipbuilding production design; multi-purpose ship; Rings hanging code; coating
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景和现状 1
1。1。1 我国造船业发展的背景 1
1。1。2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2
1。2 多用途船简介 2
1。2。1 多用途船的结构特点 3
1。2。2 多用途船的分类 4
1。2。3 多用途船的发展历史和趋势 4
1。2。4 国内多用途船的建造情况 5
1。3 研究的目的与意义 6
1。4 研究的主要内容和方法