- 上一篇:卡钳数控加工及柔性组合夹具设计开题报告
- 下一篇:甲板照明灯座级进模设计开题报告
关键词: 矫直; 辊式矫直机; 矫直曲率
摘要 1
1辊式矫直机的概述 2
1.1板、带材用的辊式矫直机 . 2
1.2型钢用的辊式矫直机 2
1.3管、棒材用的辊式矫直机 .. 2
2课题分析 . 3
2.1主要用途及特点 3
2.1.1 主要用途 3
2.1.2 主要特点 3
2.2主要结构及工作原理 3
2.2.1二辊矫直机的组成 .. 3
2.2.2矫直原理介绍 4
3设计方案 4
3.1结构设计 4
3.1.1传动形式 4
3.1.2传动方案 5
3.1.3压下调整方案 5
3.1.4减速箱方案 6
3.2基本参数 7
3.2.2 辊径的确定 7
3.2.4矫直力的确定 7
4进度安排 7
参考文献 8
The Transmission Design of Roller Leveler
Abstract: Straightening as a finishing technique, a branch is always an integral part of industrial development. Especially in recent years, with the development of society, the product quality and precision requirements generally increase, straightening technology is developing rapidly, more and more extensive. Today, the industrial development direction is fine, sharp, higher demands on the quality of a variety of materials. Straightening as a finishing technology has increasingly gained the attention of engineers and technicians. The design Two Roll Straightener roller type and transmission system. Roller leveler pided into plate, strip roll leveler, section steel with roller straightening machine, pipe, bar with roller straightening machine. Finally straightening process in the straightening machine, a plurality of straightening rolls profiles several repeated bending, so that originally has a variety of curvature of the profile of a single straightening curvature in the same direction, and then the last bending the purpose of straightening. In this paper, research and exposition leveler simple introduction to the design process and the design elements of the leveler.
Keywords: straightening; roller leveler; straightening curvature
1 辊式矫直机的概述
矫直技术多用于金属条材加工的后部工序,在很大程度上决定着产、成品的质量水平。20世纪初已经有矫直圆材的二辊式矫直机。20世纪30年代中期发明222型优尔辊式矫直机,显著提高了管材矫直质量。20世纪60年代中期,为了解决大直径管材的矫直问题,美国萨顿公司研制成功313型七辊式矫直机。20世纪70年代我国改革开放以后接触到大量的国外设计研制成果,有小到φ1.6mm金属丝矫直机和大到φ600mm管材矫直机。有速度达到300m/min的高速矫直机和精度达到0.038mm/m的高精度矫直机。 同时也引进许多先进的矫直设备。进入90年代我国在赶超世界先进水平方面又迈出了一大步,一些新研制的矫直机获得了国家的发明专利;一些新成果获得了市、省及部级科技成果进步奖;有的获得了国家发明奖。近年来我国在反弯辊形七斜辊矫直机,多斜辊薄壁转毂式矫直机,平行辊异辊距矫直机及矫直液压自动切料机等研制方面相继取得成功。