    关键词: 房地产行业  融资结构  经营绩效
    Title The Empirical Research on the Influence of Financing     Structure to the Operating Performance of the Real Estate Industry                                                                                                
    The optimization of financing structure can not only reduce the financing costs of the enterprise,but also can increase the enterprise’s core competitiveness and risk resistance ability.And the most important is it also can increase the business profits and performance of the enterprise. Therefore,analyzing the real estate company's financing structure for subsequent development has important and practical significance.This research focuses on the real estate industry listed companies to disclose the relevant financial indicators,using theoretical analysis and empirical research method of combining the analysis of the auxiliary econometric software,the conclusions of the research for the real estate industry can be pided into three categories:(1)The debt-to-assets ratio of a company is negatively related to the business performance; (2)The LIQDR of a company is negatively related to the business performance; (3)The shareholding ratio of the the first majority shareholder has small impacts on the company's business performance. So the company’s financing structure has a nagative impact on the business performance On the whole.
    Keywords  Real estate    Financing structure    Business performance
     目   次
    1  引言    5
    1.1  研究背景与意义    5
    1.2  研究思路与方法    6
    1.2.1  研究思路    6
    1.2.2  研究方法    6
    国内外文献综述    7
    2.1  国外研究现状    7
    2.2  国内研究现状    8
    2.3  简要评述    9
    3  房地产上市公司融资结构对经营绩效影响的理论分析    11
    3.1  融资结构的相关理论    11
    3.2  融资结构与经营绩效的理论关系    13
    4  房地产上市公司融资结构对经营绩效影响的实证分析    15
    4.1  理论假设    15
    4.2  选取变量和样本数据    15
    4.2.1  变量选取    15
    4.2.2  样本数据选取    16
    4.3  建立模型    17
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