    关键词  股权激励  委托代理  万科股权  问题对策
    Title Research on enterprise equity incentive mechanism  and application in China                           

    Equity incentives as an important incentive in recent years has been an increasing number of listed companies in our favor, establish and improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms to solve the core of modern corporate agency problem. As a kind of long-term incentive mechanism of form, the main purpose of equity incentive is to reduce the agency cost, is an important means of achieving incentive effect, but the effect is always the controversial so far. Our equity incentive system implemented in not a long time, equity incentive effect is not obvious, and may also become a tool for management to reap benefits. Through theoretical research scholars at home and abroad to learn, analyze equity incentive own problems and inconsistent with China's actual situation, the proposed incentives listed companies to optimize our response, and through Vanke equity research and incentives relevant financial data analysis, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Vanke equity incentive measures designed to exist and to propose measures to improve equity incentive combined with relevant data and theory.
    Keywords  Equity incentive   Agency   Vanke equity   Issues      countermeasures
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  问题的提出与研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    2  股权激励的概念、模式与理论基础    4
    2.1  股权激励的概念    4
    2.2  股权激励的模式    5
    2.3  股权激励的理论基础    6
    3  我国企业股权激励实施现状分析    8
    3.1  我国关于股权激励的相关法律制度规范    8
    3.2  我国实施股权激励的条件    9
    3.3  我国实施股权激励的具体情况    11
    3.4  我国股权激励实施中存在的问题    12
    4  万科股权激励方案分析    14
    4.1  万科公司简介    14
    4.2  万科股权激励方案    14
    4.3  万科股权激励的后果分析    17
    4.4  万科股权激励的结论与启示    20
    5  有效改善股权激励效果的对策分析    22
    5.1  促进公司治理结构的完善    22
    5.2  规范行权价格的制定    22
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