    摘要作为一种可持续发展战略行为,系统切实地落实企业的社会责任,不仅是企业存在于社会的理由,也是企业安身立命的本意。企业社会责任已为越来越多的中国企业所践行,但仍存在明显不足。以建设成和谐社会为目标,企业给自身责任的定位就不仅仅是经济责任,为社会提供充裕的物质精神产品。本文从社会责任的内涵出发,从企业属性的角度分析企业社会间的关系以说明在社会大生产中承担社会责任是必然的,企业应如何承担社会责任,企业在承担社会责任方面的对策。结合近年来食品安全事件频频发生,食品安全形势十分严峻。文章将通过分析食品安全问题的主要表现,引发对食品企业的社会责任的探讨,揭示食品安全问题背后的利益链关系,旨在引导企业树立正确的价值观,履行企业本身的社会责任。本文通过综合考虑各方面的研究成果,让食品企业认识到,社会和消费者是企业的生长环境和利益的来源,只有与社会和消费者形成和谐互动的关系 ,才能实现企业的长久可持续发展。另外,针对存在的问题,从立法的角度强化食品企业食品安全责任,坚持法治与德治相结合的方针。24191
    In order to build a harmonious society as the goal, enterprise to own responsibility is not only the economic responsibility, for the community to provide abundant material and spiritual product. From the social responsibility connotation, from the enterprise property analysis of enterprise social relationships in social production to shoulder social responsibility is inevitable, how the enterprise should bear the social responsibility, enterprises in the social responsibility and the countermeasures. In recent years food safety accidents occurred frequently, food security situation is very severe. Through the analysis of the main performance of the food safety problem of food, triggering the social responsibility of the enterprise, this paper reveals the interests behind food safety problems, aiming to guide enterprises chain relations set up the correct values, and perform the social responsibility of the enterprise itself. This article through the comprehensive consideration of the various aspects of research results, make food businesses realize, social and consumer is enterprise's growth environment and benefit sources, only with social and interactive relationship between consumer harmony, to realize the sustainable development of enterprise long. In addition, aimed at the problems, from the Angle of legislation of fortified foods enterprise food safety responsibility, insist on law and policy of combining rule.
    Key word:Social responsibility of enterprises, property, social responsibility and Countermeasures,Food enterprise  ,food safety  
    一、绪论    1
       (一)研究背景、目的及意义     1
       (二)国内企业社会责任的研究状况    2
        1、国内企业社会责任的研究现状    2
        2、述评     2
    二、康师傅的企业社会责任概况分析    2
    三、康师傅所处的环境分析    4
       (一)外部环境    4
       (二)内部环境    6
    四、影响社会责任融入企业业务的关键因素研究    7
       (一)价值链和供应链角度分析    7
       (二)人力资源管理保障体系分析    9
        1、人员的吸纳与文持    9
        2、人员的激励    10
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