Abstract:Since 2012 in China's real estate construction industry has been in the rectification period, the local construction industry was in a turbulent time。 The unstable development of construction industry makes the construction of the profit space has been shrinking。 Profit space is reduced, that cost too much。 Profit is equal to revenue minus costs, the cost is the main factor decided to profit。 In this paper, research materials of the difference between actual cost and planned cost method, shows that construction enterprises want to relative advantage in the fierce market competition, will have to try every way to decrease the cost of his own construction。 Through the study of cost, it is concluded that: reduce costs must be from the aspects of construction site management and construction cost control。
key words:the cost of materials management, material cost analysis, material cost control
1 引言 3
1。1研究背景 3
1。2研究意义 3
1。3文献综述 3
2材料成本管理概述 4
2。1材料成本的含义 4
2。2材料成本管理的含义 4
2。3材料成本管理的意义 5
3永超建工有限公司材料成本现状 5
3。1永超建工简介 5
3。2永超建工材料成本现状分析 5
4永超建工材料成本管理存在的问题 7
4。1成本管理意识淡薄 8
4。2施工过程中材料控制不当 9
4。3材料成本分析流于形式 9
4。4只注重事后控制 10
5永超建工材料成本管理的对策 10
5。1加强材料成本管理意识 10
5。2加强对材料的控制 10
5。3加强成本管理分析 11
5。4注重全程控制 12
结 论 12
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 引言
1。1 研究背景