    毕业论文关键词:青岛啤酒  线性回归  应收账款管理   
    Research on Enterprise Receivables Management
    ——With the Tsingtao Brewery Enterprise as an Example
    Abstract: With the prosperity and development of the global economy, globalization makes the international and domestic market integration into a unified big market, worldwide resource has been a new round of consolidation and distribution. When the money supply can not meet the growing commodity exchange, humans have gradually entered the era of credit money. When the enterprises through credit and other strategies as a means of promotion should be the growth of the overall size of the accounts receivable has become the inevitable result of the development of commodity economy. However commercial credit as the foundation of the whole credit system and the basic form of credit, with the deepening of the further development of the social pision of labor, social production and excessive prosperity of borrowing for inflation, foreshadowing. So for the management of accounts receivable should be subject to the enterprise and society from all walks of life care and attention.
    The adoption of Qingdao Beer Co., Ltd., combined with recent years the development of the enterprise, the enterprise income margin growth rate and whether the match between the accounts receivable turnover rate are analyzed. Based on this analysis, this paper selects the receivable turnover ratio and operating income margin should be as a test of the financial indicators, through linear regression analysis to verify the relationship between data, these indicators of beer enterprises should be accounts receivable management, the influence is studied, and related enterprises should be accounts receivable management to make a preliminary evaluation.
    Key Words:Tsingtao Brewery Enterprise   Linear Regression   Trade Receivable
    目 录 
    一、引言    - 2 -
    (一)研究背景和意义    - 2 -
    (二)本文的研究方法及内容安排    - 3 -
    二、相关概念介绍    - 4 -
    (一)应收账款涵义与管理目标    - 4 -
    (二)财务指标与线性回归模型    - 5 -
    三、青岛啤酒应收账款周转率与营业毛利的实证分析    - 6 -
    (一)啤酒行业概况    - 6 -
    (二)青岛啤酒简介    - 7 -
    (三)青岛啤酒实证分析    - 8 -
    (四)结论解释    - 11 -
    四、评价与建议    - 14 -
    (一)评价本文的不足之处    - 14 -
    (二)建议    - 15 -
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