    The Financial Analysis and Comparison of State-owned Banks
    Abstract: In recent years, our banking industry will have new opportunity and challenge in the background of the International Financial Turmoil as well as the domestic development of financial reform and the acceleration of internationalization. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China and the China Construction Bank have great influence as four nationalized   banks in China. These banks’ development can influence the financial industry steady directly and also they play a pivotal role in the development of our national economy. Commercial banks act as the micro bodies in financial industry, their assets operation quality is the foundation of the financial industry’s healthy development. Thus the evaluation of listed state-owned commercial banks’ assets operation quality plays an important role in our economy development.
    This paper regards the above four listed state-owned commercial banks in the market as the study object. According to the financial data from recent three years, it uses of various analysis methods of the four Banks for financial analysis. It analyzes from profitability, solvency, operation ability, growth ability and the reporting data. Moreover, it compares the four banks’ analysis results. Finally, it indicates the situation of our four listed state-owned banks’ advantages and disadvantages. It comes up the advice according to those question appear in the development of the four banks.
    Keywords: four state-owned Banks;financial analysis;profitability;debt paying ability;operation capacity  
    目 录
    一、绪论  1
    二、 我国国有上市四大银行概况简介 2
    (一)中国工商银行  2
    1、中国工商银行简介  2
    2、发展现状   2
    (二)中国农业银行   2
    1、中国农业银行简介  2
    2、发展现状   2
    1、中国银行简介 3
    2、发展现状 3
    (四)中国建设银行  3
    1、中国建设银行简介   3
    2、发展现状  3
    三、财务报表数据分析  4
    (一)资产负债表分析  4
    1、资产负债表水平分析 4
    2、资产负债表垂直分析 5
    (二)利润表分析  5
    1、利润表水平分析 5
    2、利润表垂直分析   7
    四、财务比率分析与比较  8
    (一)盈利能力分析  8
    1、普通股每股收益   8
    2、净资产收益率   9
    3、总资产收益率   9
    4、净利润率   10
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