    关键词: 会计信息披露;监管制度;公司治理
    Corporate Governance Issues in Accounting Information Disclosure
    Abstract: Accounting information is an effective link between capital owners and operators of the bond assets, is the bridge to communicate with stakeholders. However, disclosure of accounting information are not perfect from system in terms of level or the specific implementation level, Corporate Governance and Accounting Information Disclosure closely, such as, not standardized of the disclosure of accounting information system, non-disclosure of accounting information system standards, inadequate supervision and regulatory bodies, non-legal responsibility is not clear, a
     lack of security of on-line disclosure.
    In this paper, we start from the disclosure of accounting information of the domestic and international problems that existed, combine the mode of disclosure of accounting information and related systems, make sure how to improve the issue of full disclosure of the study and exploration and make solutions to this problem and suggestions from the securities regulatory system and the main aspects of the securities regulatory analysis. Such as to improve the arrangement of system related to the disclosure of accounting information build and construct the law and regulation, erect three-dimensional supervising frame, modify the accounting firms, strengthen the internal structure of the company, quicken the innovation of the economic system of the market, and so on.
    Key words:accounting information disclosure; control systems;internal governance
        目 录
    一、概述    1
    (一)研究目的及意义    2
    (二)国内外现状    3
    二、公司治理与会计信息披露之间影响   .    3
    (一)公司治理对会计信息披露的影响    6
    (二)会计信息披露对公司质量模式的影响    8
    (一) 会计信息披露中存在的问题    12
    (二) 会计信息披露存在问题的原因分析    16
    (一)会计信息充分披露模式的完善    16
    (二) 会计信息充分披露的实现途径    18
    致谢    25
    参考文献    .25
    一、    概 述  
    (一)  研究目的及意义
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