    Discussion on construction enterprise tax planning
    Abstract: In recent years, the market economy environment and the tax environment evolving context, China's stand on the taxpayer's tax planning perspective on both theory and practice for a larger development. Tax planning to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is becoming an important means. While the construction enterprises, construction market oversupply state, making construction companies become increasingly competitive. To win in the competition, companies must reduce costs. In raw materials, labor have risen circumstances, tax planning is necessary. However, due to tax policy formulated by the state has a certain universality, rarely for any profession or business tailored, face numerous and frequent changes in tax policy, the taxpayer at a loss; while an array of tax planning schemes, for specific industry also lacks practicality and maneuverability. Therefore, the study's own industry-related tax planning and tax risk management approach has great significance.
             In this paper, the basic theory and tax planning goals and objectives, emphasizing research-based construction business processes need tax planning. By building their business characteristics and tax-related analysis of the situation, the tax planning and building the key business processes to contact the integrated use of literature research, comparative analysis, flow charts and other methods, summarized the various aspects of tax planning schemes .
    Keywords: Construction enterprise; Tax planning; Business Process; Risk ;

    目  录

    绪  论 1
    一、纳税筹划概述  2
    1、流程再造思路 5
    2、缔结契约的思路 5
    3、合理转化思想 5
    二、建筑企业的业务特点和涉税情况  6
    三、建筑企业初创阶段纳税筹划   10
    (一)企业组织结构形式的纳税筹划   10
    (二)企业筹资方式的纳税筹划 11
    四、建筑企业工程承接与施工管理阶段的纳税筹划 15
    (一)合同签订的纳税筹划 15
    2、施工企业总分包合同  16
    3、建筑材料购买合同  16
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