     The management of accounts receivable of small and medium-sized enterprises
    Abstract: The occurrence of accounts receivable is the inevitable result of fierce business competition, sales and receivables of the time difference. In today's increasingly competitive business, the existence of accounts receivable is inevitable. With the increased competition of modern enterprises, accounts receivable is crucial to the survival and development of enterprise, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises, compared with large enterprises, the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises are small-scale, simple structure and each system is not perfect, these characteristics make it to the difficulties in the area of financial management, if the accounts receivable can not be recovered, the funds can not be withdrawn from circulation, the working capital is not enough turnover, normal business will be affected. This paper summarizes the causes of accounts receivable, analysis of problems and harm to the enterprise, and puts forward some measures and methods to achieve the goals, as well as to light on the management of medium-sized enterprise and promote it faster and better.
    Key Words:small and medium-sized enterprises;  Accounts receivable management;Problems;Solution
    1、绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义和目的    1
    2、应收账款的相关理论及其对中小企业的影响    2
    2.1应收账款管理理论概述    2
    2.2应收账款对中小企业的影响    3
    2.2.1破坏企业资金循环甚至造成资金链断裂引发财务危机    3
    2.2.2增加企业的成本负担    3
    2.2.3影响企业的盈利状况,增加了企业风险成本    3
    3、中小企业应收账款管理的现状与存在的问题    4
    3.1中小企业应收账款管理的现状    4
    3.2中小企业应收账款管理中存在的问题    5
    3.2.1 企业及产品的竞争力不足    5
    3.2.2忽视信用管理,缺乏风险防范意识    5
    3.2.3内部控制不健全    5
    3.2.4催讨账款困难重重    6
    4、完善中小型企业应收账款管理的建议    6
    4.1正确定位企业发展目标,合理拓宽业务范围    6
    4.2设置资信管理部门,确保信息沟通顺畅    6
    4.2.1做好客户信用调查,及时更新或补充信息    6
    4.2.2对客户资信进行研究,做出赊销决定    7
    4.3制定中小型企业应收账款内部控制制度    7
    4.3.1加强合同管理    7
    4.3.2建立赊销审批制度    7
    4.3.3建立应收账款清收责任制    8
    4.3.4严格按照会计制度办事,建立坏账准备金制度    8
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