


    Research on financial accounting information disclosure of Listing Corporation

    Abstract:The securities market of our country started in the early 90's of the last century,after more than 20 years of development, it has made great achievements in the disclosure of accounting information of listing Corporation. In the economic system is increasingly perfect, regulatory responsibilities more clear, the accounting information requirements of investors increasingly strong today, listing Corporation accounting information disclosure is a good direction, but there are still some problems. Based on the existing literature and relevant standards, this paper will start from the Green Earth case to carry out a deep analysis of the real situation, analysis of the problems in accounting information disclosure of listing Corporation, deep analysis of internal and external causes of listing Corporation, finally put forward the internal and external supervision measures and suggestions.

    Key words:Listing Corporation; Financial accounting information disclosure; the Green Earth

    目  录

    绪  论 1

    一、上市公司会计报告披露的相关理论概述 2

    (一)上市公司会计报告披露制度 2

    (二)会计报告披露的形式 2

    (三)会计报告披露的基本原则 3

    1.真实性原则 3

    2.及时性原则 4

    3.完整性原则 4

    4.准确性原则 4

    二、会计报告披露中存在的问题及案例分析 5

    (一)会计报告信息披露存在的问题 5

    (二)绿大地案例 6

    (三)绿大地公司会计报告披露存在问题的内部原因——治理不完善 8

    1.公司内部股权高度集中 8

    2.总经理和董事长职权不分 9

    3.内部控制失效 9

    4.激励约束机制不健全 10

    (四)绿大地公司会计报告披露存在问题的外部原因——治理不健全 10

    1.资本市场机制不健全 10

    2.地方政府监管不健全 11

    3.中介机构搪塞敷衍 11

    三、上市公司会计报告披露问题根本原因 12

    (一)上市公司会计报告披露存在问题的内部原因 12


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