    Inventory is an important part of corporate liquidity, designed to meet the needs of normal production and sales can for enterprise to bring certain economic benefits of inflows, occupied a large number of enterprises funds, through the analysis and research of inventory management, business is directly related to the assets of the operation efficiency of, to strengthen the inventory management of enterprise, is the only way to improve enterprise funds utilization efficiency, reduce inventory loss, improve enterprise efficiency, improve inventory turnover rate, enhance the enterprise the competitive ability in the market, forming a virtuous circle, to realize the enterprise's rapid development. The Xinhua Group, for example by the status of its inventory management were analyzed. Analysis the advantages and disadvantages of the existing in the inventory management, put forward to strengthen the measures and methods of inventory management, and the situation of the enterprise and put forward some views of my own.
    Key words:Inventory management; market competition; inventory turnover; chain enterprises
     目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  存货管理研究概述    1
    1.1存货管理的含义    1
    1.2存货管理研究的发展    1
    1.3连锁经营企业存货管理的特点    2
    第二章  新华都股份有限公司简介    4
    2.1新华都股份有限公司概况    4
    2.2公司经营模式与行业其他企业对比    4
    第三章  新华都股份有限公司存货管理的现状分析    5
    3.1存货管理结构分析    5
    3.2存货管理比率分析    5
    3.4新华都存货管理存在的问题分析    8
    第四章  新华都股份有限公司存货管理问题成因分析    11
    4.1影响新华都库存总金额变动的因素    11
    4.2企业管理层的决策影响    11
    4.3物价水平的影响    11
    4.4经济波动    11
    4.5市场因素    12
    4.6国家政策影响    12
    第五章  优化新华都股份有限公司存货管理的对策建议    13
    5.1加强存货管理意识    13
    5.2健全完善存货管理体系    13
    5.3规范企业存货管理工作    13
    5.4降低企业库存水平    13
    5.5完善存货的归类摆放管理    14
    5.6进一步完善管理信息系统    14
    结束语    15
    致  谢    16
    参考文献    17
     第一章  存货管理研究概述
  1. 上一篇:江淮汽车公司往来款项分析
  2. 下一篇:天奇股份营运能力分析
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