
    摘要: 企业在进行资产管理的过程中,控制程序应与资产管理的特点相结合,在现代企业经营管理过程中,这一点体现得尤为明显。应收账款在企业资产中一直占据着举足轻重的地位,它是企业流动资产的重要组成部分,更被作为一种信用手段运用到激烈的市场竞争中。48956




    Study on the internal control of enterprise 's accounts receivable

    Abstract:In the process of managing assets, the control program should be combined with the characteristics of the asset management, in the process of modern enterprise management, it is especially apparent. Accounts receivable has been occupies a pivotal position in enterprise’s assets, it is an important part of liquid assets, more as a kind of credit means used in the fierce market competition.

    However, the situation of Chinese enterprises’ accounts receivable has been not optimistic, although enterprises do not say no to accounts receivable, they seem to have less attention on them. Mutual arrears are particularly serious, explore its internal problems are not difficult to find that the total amount of accounts receivables increased year by year, bad debt ratio is high, this leads to the deterioration of the quality of enterprise’s assets. Because of the accounts some enterprises cannot recover, it produces permanent bad debts, which makes the enterprise’s capital chain rupture, or forces enterprises to restructure or even bankruptcy. The problems of accounts receivables affect the operation and development of an enterprise, also balance the stability of credit relations in the market economy.

    Faced with the situation, the enterprise can't lay down and die, they must be based on the analysis of external environment and reform from the perspective of the enterprise itself at the same time, establish and perfect a complete and effective accounts receivables internal control system. Therefore, based on the study of 《Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control》 and 《Supporting Guide for Enterprise Internal Control》jointly issued by the ministry of finance, auditing administration, securities regulatory commission, the China banking regulatory commission, insurance regulatory commission, I try to start from the concept of accounts receivables, expounds the importance of accounts receivables internal control system, according to the basic principles of internal control and relevant theories for the design of simple accounts receivables internal control framework. Finally I analysis A company to find out the deficiencies of the accounts receivable management, and put forward limited suggestions according to the theoretical knowledge.

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