


    internal control of accounting and supervision

    Abstract:Accounting internal control system in modern financial management system of enterprises as an important component, and practice confirms that enterprise's accounting internal control system is the fundamental business management of all sectors, is the guarantee of health and sustainable development, is one of the factors essential to the success of the enterprise. From the internal control and supervision of the concept, the relationship between the two and both construction starts understanding recognizes the importance of accounting internal controls and supervision. Through the enterprise's accounting internal control in China and social supervision of investigations, found a lot of enterprises ' internal control awareness, the system is not perfect, the Executive power and a lack of effective monitoring mechanisms and low overall quality of accounting personnel. To recognize the many accounting problems existing in the internal control in the enterprise: management of internal control deficiencies, jobs lack containment, lack of effective control and management talent. Finally, the corresponding improvement of enterprise internal accounting control and social supervision of: improving the quality of enterprise management under the leadership of, risk awareness, and improve the internal control environment, establish and perfect internal control system the requirements of comprehensive quality, strengthening on the staff.

    Key Words:Internal controls; Community supervision; Risk assessment; Job separation

    目 录


    一、会计内部控制和社会监督概述 2

      (一)会计内部控制和社会监督的概念 2

      (二)会计内部控制和社会监督的关系 2

      (三)会计内部控制制度的构建 3


      (一)内部会计控制意识淡薄 5

      (二)内部会计控制制度不健全 5

     (三)内部会计控制制度执行不力 5

      (四)内部会计控制缺乏有效的监督机制 5

      (五)会计人员整体素质偏低 6

      (六)国有企业典型内部控制失效案例分析 6











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