    互联网技术飞速发展,中国媒体在经历了传统媒体、新媒体之后,迎来了自媒体时代。这一时代的到来,改变了原有的信息传播方式,实现了信息传收双方之间的及时的交流反馈,同时也让信息以更快的速度传播,并扩大了其传播的范围,在一定程度上降低了信息的不对称性,更有利于人们掌握最新的资讯,做出理智的决策与行动。 在之前,已有不少学者对传统媒体治理与企业社会责任之间的关系进行过研究。本文在回顾相关研究成果之后发现,媒体发挥其作用,主要通过行使其监管权力、产生舆论压力来督促企业更好的履行其社会责任。自媒体,是基于互联网技术发展起来的,与传统媒体一样,也具有监管权力,更重要的是,其传播信息能产生更大的舆论压力。因此,在基于前人的研究之上,本文选取新浪微博作为自媒体的代表,对自媒体治理与企业社会责任之间的关系进行研究,探讨二者之间存在的关系,将研究拓展到自媒体领域,完善媒体治理的研究体系。 企业社会责任与财务绩效,它们二者之间的关系,一直以来是学者和企业关注的重点。但二者之间的关系,尚未有明确的结论。本文在探讨了自媒体治理与企业社会责任之间的关系之后,对它们二者之间的关系也进行了研究。 通过实证研究分析,本文研究得出:(1)相比较而言,开设了企业官方微博的企业,其社会责任履行情况比未开设官方微博的企业要好;(2)在开设了官方微博的企业中,关注度越高,其社会责任履行情况越好;(3)企业社会责任对财务绩效具有正向影响。基于得出的结论,本文提出了相关建议。49158
    毕业论文关键字   自媒体  新浪微博  企业社会责任  财务绩效     
       Title        We media governance, corporate social responsibility     and financial performance        --based on empirical evidence since the days of media   Abstract The rapid development of Internet technology, the Chinese media experienced the era of traditional media, new media and we media. The arrival of this era, changed  the original way of distributing information  ,and achieved  the exchange of information between the Publisher and the receiver of the feedback, also accelerated the speed of information dissemination and expansion of the range, to a certain extent reduce the asymmetry of information, facilitate up-to-date information, make smart decisions and actions.   Before, many scholars  discussed  the relationship between  the media (the traditional  media) governance and corporate social responsibility. Based on the review of relevant research results revealed that media to play its role, primarily through the exercise of its regulatory powers, public pressure to urge enterprises to better fulfil its social responsibilities. We media compared with traditional media, also have regulatory powers, and the dissemination of information to generate more public pressure. Therefore, based on previous research, we select weibo as representatives of we  media,  discuss  the relationship between  we media  governance and corporate social responsibility, explore the relationship that exists between the two, in order to better supervise corporate social responsibility. The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance  is  the focus of studies. But the relationship between them, there is no definite conclusion. After the study of  the relationship between we media governance and corporate social responsibility, we will discuss  the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance   The results show that:: (1) phase compared, opened official  micro-Bo of enterprise of social responsibility perform situation than not opened official micro-Bo of enterprise better; (2) on opened official micro-Bo of enterprise, the number of fans is more, its social responsibility perform situation more good; (3)  higher(lower) levels of Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to higher(lower) levels of Corporate Financial Performance  .Based on  these  conclusions,  the paper puts forward some recommendations.     
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