




     Analysis of the Application of the Principle of Substance over Form

    ABSTRACT: In recent years, the rapid development of the market economy, economic persification and complexity of the cases showed a lot of transaction or event does not match the economic substance and the development of laws and regulations, even disagreement. In order to ensure consistent accounting information and economic nature, be sure to catch the essence of accounting. 

    Paper from philosophy according to starts with, described real and form of connotation, through integrated foreign scholars of research to overview substance over form principle of origin and the research status; will substance over form principle research of focus put in income confirmed, and financing rental associated party relationship of judge and merged party merged range of confirmed Shang; while proposed this items principles in using Shi appeared of problem and proposed countermeasures; Finally summarize problems you encounter when writing this article.

    In short, in order to ensure that the accounting information true, substance over form principles must be applied to the entire accounting link for accountant's expertise and professional ethics education is the basis of this principle is fully to play its role. 

    Key Words:  substance; form; accountings standards; use 

    目    录

    摘要 I


    目录 III

    一、引言 1

    二、实质重于形式原则的概述及基础理论 2

        (一)实质重于形式原则的概述 2

    (二)实质重于形式原则的理论依据 2

    (三)实质重于形式原则的意义 3

    三、国内外研究回顾及评估 4

    (一)国外研究现状 4

    (二)国内研究现状 4

    (三)研究现状评述 5

    四、实质重于形式原则在会计中的具体运用 6

    (一)收入的确认 6

    (二)融资租赁 8

    (三)关联方关系的判断 10

    (四)合并报表合并范围的确定 11

    五、实质重于形式原则在运用时存在的问题及对策 13


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