    摘要:    席勒水彩画的创作表现形式有别于传统绘画的通透水韵,追求的是综合材料的运用以及技法的创新。主要由其个人情绪、生活环境的转变产生不同的艺术观念和表现形式。顺应主题或者情感需求,确定了色彩基调后,通过装饰性色彩或者色块的组合对比产生视觉冲击,对固有色的强化,明暗的忽略,让席勒的水彩作品极具个性且存在一种非现实感。32037
    毕业论文关键词:    表现形式,风格化,技法创新,主观情绪,精神表达 
    Theory of Schiller watercolor painting forms
    Abstract:     Schiele’s creative manifestations is different from traditional watercolor painting of transparent water rhyme, the pursuit of the use of innovative techniques and comprehensive material. Mainly by personal feelings, changing living environment have different ideas and forms of art. Conform to the theme or emotional needs, determine the color tone, the combination of contrast colors or by decorative patches to produce visual impact, and strengthen the inherent color, light and shade of neglect, let Schiller Watercolor highly personalized and there is a non-a sense of reality.
      Watercolor unique in its substance and form of media performance in large diameter the same watercolor creation, seeking personal style of watercolor artist became the pursuit of goals. Recent years, China is also facing the same problem watercolor artist for the pursuit of personal style performance more prominent, but also the emergence of a lot of the performance of inpidual alone but lack true feelings and emotions work, it's worth thinking about the changes we need to keep in mind is the process of forming a personal style really need to accumulate, thinking, practice, is a long and slow.
    Keywords:    manifestation style, technique and innovation, subjective emotional, spiritual expression                    
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    i
    1    席勒个人背景及当时的社会环境对其创作影响    1
    1.1    个人背景    1
    1.2    社会环境    1
    2    席勒不同时期表现形式的异同    2
    2.1    早期    2
    2.2    中期    3
    2.3    后期    4
    3    当代水彩对席勒水彩画的借鉴    5
    3.1    独特的个性主义与主观性创作精神    5
    3.2    融合其他画种特征的创新    6
    3.3    席勒对我的创作影响    7
    致谢    8
    参考文献    9
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