    摘要理性人假设作为传统经济学最基本的假设为: 每个人的行为都是极度理性的。但是, 随后的研究却发现: 以理性人假设为前提的数学模型, 并不能很好地解释现实生活中的经济活动。于是, 研究者们开始关注人的感情和情绪因素对市场中经济活动的影响。很多心理学和经济学的研究已表明: 在经济活动中, 人们普遍存在着认知偏差。而对于管理者来说, 认知偏差的影响尤为严重。目前, 现有的关于管理者认知偏差的研究主要集中在西方以及其中有关管理者认知偏差对公司投资决策的影响方面。我国学者对于管理者认知偏差的研究尚处于起步阶段。在我国,高管人员的认知偏差是否会对投资决策产生影响?本文将对我国现有的关于管理者认知偏差的研究做以梳理, 并在此基础上对今后的研究提出展望。         7891
    关键词    管理者 认知偏差  投资决策  
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    The research on the cognitive bias affecting the investment in listed companies                   

    Rational person assume that the basic assumptions of conventional economics: Each person's behavior is extremely rational. However, subsequent research has found that the mathematical model that premises on the rational man assumption  does not explain the economic activity in real life. Thus, researchers have started to pay attention to people's feelings and emotional factors affecting economic activity in the market. A lot of psychology and economics research has shown that the cognitive bias is widespread in economic activity. The effect of cognitive bias is particularly serious for managers, At present, the most managers cognitive bias researches are mainly concentrated in the West as well as relating to the effect of managers cognitive bias on corporate investment decisions, The research of managers cognitive bias in China is still in its infancy. Is there an impact on the cognitive bias behavior of executives to the investment decisions? This paper will do to comb to our existing cognitive bias research on managers. And put forward for future research on this basis.
    Keywords  Managers  Cognitive bias  Investment decisions
    目   录
    1 绪论    5
    1.1研究背景    5
    1.2研究意义    6
    1.3研究内容    6
    2 相关理论及国内外文献综述    6
    2.1 相关理论基础    6
    2.2管理者认知偏差对企业投资的影响    8
    3 国内外文献综述    9
    3.1认知偏差的国内外综述    9
    3.2管理者认知偏差对企业投资决策影响的文献综述    10
    3.3对认知偏差对投资决策影响研究的述评    11
    4 认知偏差与投资决策关系的问卷调查    12
    4.1问卷调查设计    12
    4.2 调查结果分析    13
    5认知偏差对投资决策影响的规避策略    15
    5.1规避羊群行为    15
    5.2规避非理性行为    15
    5.3规避对比效应    16
    5.4规避证实性偏差    16
    结论    17
    致谢    18
    参考文献    19
    附表1  表 2-1 启发式及相关的 13 种偏差    22
    附表2  表 2-2 认知偏差类型    22
    附表3  表 4-1 信息收集阶段认知偏差量表的描述性统计表    23
    附表4  表 4-2 信息编辑阶段认知偏差测量量表的描述性统计表    23
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