


    Abstract: With the development of the Marketing Economic and the spread of the commercial credit, to expand sales and attract new customers has the incomparable advantage of other billing methods. But the credit will inevitable lead companies to hold a lot of accounts receivable, so how to manage the account receivable becomes a serious issue of modern financial management. Strengthen the management of accounts receivable, we must first understand the cause of accounts receivable.Secondly, to identify the focus management, Clear management objectives and formulate corresponding management measures. In this paper, a corporate accounts receivable management system, a more in-depth exploration found there are many problems in the management of accounts receivable, then analysis of the problems of the company’s accounts receivable management, find out the reasons for the existence of, and policies and measures to solve problems in the management of accounts receivable, to facilitate the control and management of accounts receivable. 

    Keywords:account receivable,management,aging analysis, credit policy

      目 录

    1  引言 4

    1.1  研究的背景 4

    1.2  研究的意义 4

    2  应收账款管理的内涵 4

    2.1  应收账款的概念 4

    2.2  应收账款管理的基本理论 5

    2.3  加强应收账款管理对于南京健家医疗器械有限公司的意义 6

    3  南京健家医疗器械有限公司应收账款管理现状分析 7

    3.1  公司简介 7

    3.2  公司应收账款管理现状分析 7

    3.3  公司应收账款管理存在的问题分析 9

    4  对南京健家医疗器械有限公司应收账款管理问题的改进建议 10

    4.1  定期清账、对账 10

    4.2  制定合理的信用政策 10

    4.3  完善销售风险的预防措施 11

    4.4  建立健全应收账款内部管理制度 11

    4.5  制定新的工资薪金制度 12

    结 论 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢 15

    1  引言

    1.1  研究的背景


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