
    摘  要:目前,许多国家为了适应经济全球化的发展趋势,大多都在进行着金融体系的改革。同样,为了促进金融创新的发展,同时也为了能增强我国银行等金融机构的竞争能力,我国也应该紧跟世界潮流,加紧对金融体系的改革进程。网上银行因为成本较低,且拥有宽阔的发展空间,得到了人们的广泛关注和重视。随着信息化的发展,网上银行在给人们带来优质、快捷、方便的服务的同时,也对金融监管提出了新的挑战。本文在此背景下对网上银行业务特点进行分析,将中外网上银行业务的差距进行比较,从而总结出一些我国银行亟需解决的问题和对策,并在此基础上总结出了中国农业银行继续发展网上银行的发展途径和创新。56765


    Abstract:Currently the vast majority of countries are to reform the financial regulatory system to adapt to the new situation brought about by the financial innovation.To promote the development of financial innovation and to strengthen the competitivity of financial institutions,such as the bank in our country.Our country should also follow the international trend and accelerate the process of reforming financial system.The bank on the Internet has gained extensive concern because of its low cost and broad space of development.With the development of informatization, the bank on the Internet brings high quality, fast and convenient service ,at the same time, also put forward new challenges to financial regulation.Against the above background,this paper analyzes the characteristics of online banking,and compares the differences of businesses of the bank on the net between Chinese and foreign,and thus finding out solutions and countermeasures to some banks in our country,and on this basis summarizing ways of development and innovation for ABC to promote the bank on the Internet.

    Keyword: the development of online banking, financial system, agricultural bank

    目  录

    1  引言 5

    1.1  信息技术发展背景 5

    1.2 网上银行兴起的成因 5

    1.2.1  网络经济发展的必然结果 5

    2  网上银行业务特点分析 7

    2.1  从主要安全技术方面来分析 7

    2.2  结合银行业务本身分析其与传统银行业务的不同之处 7

    2.3  网上银行业务的管理策略 7

    2.4  网上银行效益与风险并存 8

    3  我国网上银行业务与国外(美国)网上银行业务的差距分析 9

    3.1  国外网上银行业务发展过程和现状 9

    3.2  我国网上银行现状分析 10

    3.3  比较我国网上银行与国外的差距 10

    4  网上银行亟需解决的问题和对策 11

    4.1  宏观层面体系的建设 11

    4.2  关于硬件和软件的建设的建议 12

    5 中国农业银行网上银行业务的现状分析 12

    5.1  个人网银客户数和企业网银客户数逐渐增加 12

    5.2 中国农业银行网上银行的主要功能

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