摘 要:目前营业税改增值税已在全国各大地区开始试行,包括上海、北京、江苏、安徽等地区,“营改增”所涉及的行业到为交通业、现代服务业、邮政服务业。谈到新税改下的各行业,整体上来看是可降低企业负担,税负有所下降的,但是就物流行业来讲,近两年由于各种因素出现了税负不减反增的现象,依据出现的问题,本文运用了实证分析法对税负增加的现象做出分析,并提出相关方法措施解决面临的问题,从而减少物流企业的税负,进而提高行业整体经济效益和社会效益。58030
Abstract:At present ,the business tax changing into the value-added tax in the major area, including Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Anhui and other regions, Replacing the business tax with a value-added tax refers to transportation, modern services, postal services. When it comes to the industry under the new tax reform, it can reduce the burden of enterprises and tax bearing declines a little bit as a whole. In terms of logistics industry,since a lot of factors,tax bearing has appeared increasing instead of decreasing in recent two years.According to the problem,this article applies empirical analysis method to make analysis on the phenomenon of tax bearing and put forward some related methods and measures to solve the facing problem,which can decrease the tax bearing of logistics industry and improve the industry’s overall interests and social benefits.
Keywords:Replace business tax with VAT,Logistics Industry,Influence,Tax planning
1 引言 4
2 “营改增”的内容及现状 4
3 “营改增”对物流行业的意义 5
3.1 消除重复征税问题 5
3.2 降低经营成本,增强发展能力 6
3.3 提高物流企业的利润 6
3.4 简化物流企业的纳税程序 9
3.5 提高企业的竞争力 9
4 物流企业实施“营改增”出现的问题 10
4.1 一般纳税人税负有所增加 10
4.2 物流企业各个环节税率不一致 12
4.3 增加计算税额的工作量和难度 13
4.4 将减少营业收入、提高物流价格 13
4.5 发票管理存在问题 13
5 促进物流行业健康发展的对策 13
5.1 物流业减负的税务规划 13
5.2 统一一般纳税人的税率 14
5.3 分别核算,减轻工作量和难度 15
5.4 申请财政补贴 15
5.5 加强发票管理 15
结 论 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
1 引言