The Motives and Performance Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry Mergers & Acquisitions—Case on FOSUN PHARMA
Abstract:With the globalization and development of the economy, only by accelerating the speed of adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, enterprises can ensure the advantage of the industry in the fierce market competition。 Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) is one of the effective measures to optimize the allocation of resources and enhance the competitive advantage。 Pharmaceutical industry, as a "sunrise industry", has huge market potential。 Human beings’ health and quality of life are closely related to it。 There are still some problems in China's pharmaceutical industry, such as low industry concentration, lack of independent research and innovation ability and so on。 In recent years, with the promotion of relevant policies in China, the M&A activity is becoming more and more frequent。 Based on the above facts, It is of great significance to study the merger and acquisition of Chinese pharmaceutical industry。 In this paper, on the basis of relevant merger theory, the definition and classification of M&A, evaluation method, theory of merger and performance reasons are described。 Besides, the continuous acquisition of Fosun Pharmaceutical case is analyzed, and it is observed that M&A can be optimized to a certain extent for the enterprise。 Finally, according to the results of the analysis, some corresponding suggestions are provided。
第一章 绪论 1
1。1研究背景 1
1。2研究现状 2
1。2。1并购动因的研究现状 2
1。2。2并购绩效的研究现状 2
第二章 并购概述 2
2。1并购的定义 2
2。2并购的分类 2
2。3 并购动因研究 3
2。3。1协同效应理论 3
2。3。2代理理论 4
2。3。3价值低估理论 4
2。4并购绩效研究方法 5
2。4。1事件研究法 5
2。4。2财务指标分析法 5
第三章 医药行业环境分析 5
3。1 医药行业发展现状及趋势 5
3。1。1 我国医药行业的存在的问题