毕业论文关键词 资产减值 盈余管理 企业会计准则
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Asset Impairment Criteria Corporate Earnings Management
Abstract The impairment of assets has both advantages and disadvantages to most listing corporation。 There’s no doubt that the provision for assets is conducive to a true response to the status of corporate assets。 However, the reversal of assets impairment is used to be a strong subjective nature of accounting information which can easily lead to a true reflection of the actual situation of enterprises。 The existences of the both promote the behavior that the assets impairment has been used earnings management。 In 2006, the Ministry of Finance issued the “Enterprise Accounting Standard No。8-Impairment of Assets”, the article provides that an asset impairments loss was confirmed and shall not be back in subsequent accounting period, which is intended to restrict the use of asset by listed companies to carry out the management of surplus value。 According to the data of Wuliangye Limited by Share Ltd between 2001-2013, I’m trying to find the effect that new accounting policies brings to corporate earnings management。
Keywords Asset impairment Earning management New accounting standards
目 次
1 引言 1
1。1 研究背景 1
1。2。1 国外学者在企业利用资产减值操控盈余管理方面的研究 1
1。2。2 国内学者在企业利用资产减值操控盈余管理方面的研究 2
1。2。3 文献评价 3
1。3 研究目的和意义 3
2 资产减值准则与盈余管理的理论研究 4
2。1 资产减值准则与盈余管理的相关理论 4
2。1。1 资产减值 4
2。1。2 资产减值准则的相关理论 4
2。1。3 盈余管理相关理论 5
2。2 现行资产减值准则对盈余管理的影响