    关键词  关联方  关联方交易  利润操纵  
     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Research on Specification of Related Party Transactions of Listed Companies in China
    Late started of China's securities market, the relevant normative system is not perfect, and most of the listed companies are former state-owned enterprises restructuring, the listed companies there are inextricably linked to its parent holding company, a more serious problem related party transactions. Listed companies in China in recent years the use of related party transactions fictitious profits, the cosmetic results of the growing phenomenon, related party transactions has become the main way of profits of listed companies manipulate.
    This paper described the status of related party transactions of listed companies in China, analysis of prevalent of related party transactions of listed companies and listed companies use related party transactions, profit motives manipulated, combined with a related case, a series of measures regulating the related party transactions. In the case studies section, this paper analyzes studied the case of related party transactions of the North China Pharmaceutical, confirmed the listed company to related party transactions to manipulate profits motive.
    Keywords related parties, related party transaction, earnings manipulation
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    2 关联方及关联方交易的界定    3
    2.1 关联方的界定    3
    2.2 关联方交易的界定    4
    3 我国上市公司关联方交易的现状    6
    3.1 我国上市公司关联方交易的特点    6
    3.2 我国上市公司关联方交易的问题    8
    4 我国上市公司关联方交易问题的原因分析    10
    4.1 外部因素分析    10
    4.2 内部因素分析    11
    5 案例研究——华北制药    14
    5.1 案例简介    14
    5.2 案例分析    15
    6 规范我国上市公司关联方交易的措施    18
    6.1 完善公司的治理结构    18
    6.2 完善相关法律法规及会计规范    19
    6.3 提高相关人员的素质    20
    6.4 强化中介机构的监管作用    21
    6.5 加大处罚力度    22
    结  论    23
    致  谢    24
    参 考 文 献    25
    1 引言
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