毕业论文关键词 营业税 税制改革 租赁行业
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The Influence of“BT reforms to VAT” in Leasing Industry
Abstract Rental services in today is regarded as a sunrise industry for China's economic development has made great contributions to the development of space and has immeasurable in the coming decades, but it is also heavily dependent on the development of a country tax environment。 To promote the adjustment of China's economic structure, promote the development of tertiary industry, in 2011 China will determine the original sales tax levy VAT reform project of the program, according to the 2012 in Shanghai and part of modern transportation and other services pilot Project producer services, decided on August 1, 2013 in the country。 Also within the scope of the reform of the rental industry。 However, some companies during the pilot business tax reform VAT, since the institution and its business and other factors but increased taxes, tangible personal property such as financial leasing industry is one of them。 With the further expansion of the scope of the pilot, the camp changed to increase the impact brought bound to deepen, we selected "Camp changed to increase the impact study on leasing services" as the subject, by analyzing the camp changed to increase the implementation of policies for the leasing industry influence, make recommendations and Fiscal policy improvement of the leasing industry in view of turnover tax system under nowadays situation。
Keywords VAT Tax reform Leasing indutry
目 次
1 引言 1
1。1 选题背景 1
1。2 文献综述 1
2 “营改增”在租赁行业的改革措施 3
2。1 对“营改增”的相关概述 3
2。2 “营改增”对租赁行业的改革措施 3
3 “营改增”对租赁行业的作用和影响 6
3。1 对出租方的影响 6
3。2 对承租方的影响 6
4 “营改增”在租赁行业实施中存在的问题 8
4。1 进项税抵扣存在不确定性 8
4。2 增值税专项发票获取困难 8
4。3 系统性风险增加