摘要:为了探究适宜西红花休眠期球茎发育的水杨酸(Salicylic acid)浓度。本试验在保证西红花休眠期适宜的生长环境条件下,研究不同浓度(CK,SA0.01,SA0.10,SA1.00,SA10.00)水杨酸浸泡处理对休眠期西红花球茎发育,养分代谢和抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明: SA1.00组的水杨酸处理的氧化酶活性高于其它组;SA1.00组的水杨酸处理的淀粉酶活性显著高于其他组(P<0.05),可溶性淀粉和可溶性蛋白含量均略低于对照组;C︰N的结果;浓度低于1.00 mmol•L-1浓度则会的水杨酸能够促进西红花花芽分化,使发芽期和开花期提前,其中SA1.00组西红花比CK组发芽时间提前了5d,开花时间提取前3 d。26231 毕业论文关键词:西红花;球茎;水杨酸;休眠;养分代谢;花芽分化
The study of different concentrations of SA on the development and enzyme activity on Corm of Crocus sativus during dormancy
Abstract: The aim of the experiment was to study the suitable concentration of SA (salicylic acid) for corm of Crocus sativus in dormancy. The experiment was proceeded in the most suitable condition for Crocus sativus to grow. The corms of Crocus sativus in dormancy were soaked in different concentrations (CK, SA0.01, SA0.10, SA1.00, SA10.00) of SA, nutrient metabolism process and antioxidant enzymes activities were tested. The result shows that the activity of oxidase in SA1.00 was higher than other groups; The amylase activity in SA1.00 group was significantly higher than that in other groups(P<0.05), Soluble starch and soluble protein content were slightly lower than those in the control group; the result of C︰N, The concentration of SA lower than 1 mmol •L-1 can promote the flower bud differentiation of Crocus sativus, shifting an earlier date of germination and flowering, among the groups, SA1.00 group made the germinate time ahead 5 d and the blossom time ahead 3 d.
Key words: Saffron; corm; gibberellin; dormancy; nutrient metabolism; flower bud differentiation
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
1 材料与方法 2
1.1 材料 2
1.2 试验方案 2
1.3 测定项目及方法 2
1.4 数据处理 2
2 结果与分析 2
2.1 不同浓度水杨酸处理对西红花球茎中糖分含量变化的影响 2
2.2 不同浓度水杨酸处理对西红花球茎中蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量变化的影响 4
2.3 不同浓度水杨酸处理对西红花球茎中氧化酶活性含量变化的影 5
2.4 不同浓度水杨酸处理对西红花球茎中淀粉酶活性的影响 6
2.4.1 α-淀粉酶 6
2.4.2 β-淀粉酶 7
2.4.3 α+β淀粉酶 7
2.5 不同浓度水杨酸处理对西红花发芽时间及开花时间的影响 8
3 讨论 8
3.1 抗氧化酶活性与西红花休眠解除的关系 8
3.2 碳水化合物代谢与西红花休眠解除的关系 9
3.3 可溶性蛋白与淀粉酶与西红花休眠解除的关系 9
致谢 9
参考文献: 10
西红花( Crocus sativus L.) 为鸢尾科多年生草本植物,又称为藏红花、番红花、泊夫兰,原产于西班牙,现在主要分布在欧洲、地中海及中亚等地方,明朝时西红花作为商品开始传入中国,由于价格昂贵,市场需求较高,我国于20世纪80年代[1]初开始引种栽培,经过多年的试验,在上海崇明岛引种成功。西红花具有活血化瘀、散郁开结 等功效近年来,除了化瘀止血的作用研究还表明西红花具有一定的抗肿瘤效果[2],因此西红花需求日益增加,由于西红花染色体为三倍体[3],花粉败育高,开花后罕见结实,只能靠球茎繁殖。西红花球茎繁殖率很低,一般比率只有 1: 1.2 ~ 1. 5。