摘要分子探针(molecular beacon,MB)是一种由寡聚核苷酸为主要组成部分的荧光探针,利用荧光集团和粗灭集团进行分子检测,具有很高的灵敏度和很强的特异性,并且相对于其它检测手段有着操作简单等优点,在生物学和医学等领域有着很重要的应用。而小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是近几年来发现的一类内源性的非编码的只有20到25个bp的单链RNA,其对基因的表达起着负调控的作用,对细胞的生长、发育和凋亡等生物过程有影响。临床发现miRNA-21的表达水平异常与肿瘤的临床和发展有着紧密的联系,因此对于miRNA-21表达水平的诊断成为了对于癌症进行基因手段治疗的新热点。28870
关键词 金纳米 分子探针 miRNA-21 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Studies on the Preparations for the Trigger of a Fluorescent Probe from Target Molecules
The molecular probe (molecular beacon, MB) is a fluorescent probe in which oligonucleotide is the main component. It makes use of fluorophore and quencher to carry on the molecular detection with high sensitivity and high specificity, when compared with other detection methods. It has the advantage of simple operations and great applications in the fields of biology and medicine. The small RNA (micro RNA, mi RNA),which has been found to be only 20-25 BP in recent years, is a class of endogenous non-coding single-stranded RNA. It plays a negative regulatory role in the expression of genes,and has influences on the cell growth, development and apotheosis of biological processes. Since it has been found in Clinic that the mi RNA-21 expression levels have close ties to the clinical of tumor and development, the diagnoses of the expression levels of mi RNA-21 have become a new hot spot for the gene therapy means of cancer.
The graduation project, which was based on the properties of gold participles to rough off the fluorescent,designed and synthesized the gold molecular beacons,using mi RNA-21 as the target molecule to trigger the fluoresces of the gold molecular beacons, achieve the aim of simple and quick diagnosis of cancer.
Keywords gold participles molecular beacons mi RNA-21
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 mi RNA-21的生物学概述 1
1.1.1 mi RNA-21的位置与表达 1
1.1.2 mi RNA-21的调节机制 1
1.1.3 micro RNA的检测的挑战 2
1.2 分子信标的研究概况 2
1.2.1 分子信标的结构 2
1.2.2 分子信标的工作原理 3
1.2.3 分子信标的参数选择 3
1.2.4 分子信标的发展历程 3
1.3 金纳米分子信标的综述 8
1.3.1 金纳米分子信标的合成 8
1.3.2 金纳米分子信标的应用现状 9
1.4 本次毕设拟开展的任务 9
2 实验过程以及研究方法 11
2.1 实验的准备工作 11
2.1.1 实验试剂 11
2.1.2 实验仪器 11
2.1.3 实验流程 11
2.2 金纳米颗粒的制备 11
2.2.1 金纳米粒子的合成 11
2.2.2 金纳米粒子的表征 12