摘要: 目前,重金属铬(Cr)污染严重危害生态环境和人类健康,这已然成为了一个世界性问题,对其进行有效的治理已刻不容缓。针对重金属污染的修复技术,植物修复以其简便、经济、无二次污染等优点成为了佼佼者。本文研究铬(Cr)在柳枝稷、白三叶草、芥菜三种常见植物植株吸收、积累规律,为铬(Cr)污染土壤修复与防治提供一定的依据。实验采用盆栽试验,采用火焰分光光度计来测定在不同铬(Cr)浓度环境下三种植株不同时间段所吸收的铬含量,研究植株中铬(Cr)吸收和累积的动态变化。本文还通过芥菜种子发芽毒性试验,测定种子发芽情况,进行预测和评价环境污染物铬对芥菜的潜在毒性和生物有效性。结果表明:1)三种植物均属于非超积累植物。三种植物体内对铬的积聚在前三周都呈现出上升趋势,第四周分别呈现下降和持平的趋势。三种植物对铬的富集量都相当可观,其中柳枝稷对铬最大吸收量达到了710.71mg/kg,效果最佳。2)通过种子发芽试验,发现低浓度的铬对芥菜种子萌发影响不大,但是浓度高于250mg/L时,对发芽起到了抑制作用。本文为受污染的重金属铬土壤的生物修复提供理论和数据支持,并更进一步保护生态环境,对促进经济可持续发展具有重要意义。35689 毕业论文关键词:铬污染;植物修复;吸收;积聚
Uptake and Accumulation of Chromium in three common Plants
Abstract: At present, heavy metals chromium(Cr)have engendered serious endanger to environment and people’s health, and it has become an international problem, so effective measures must be carried out instantly. For the remediation of pollution by heavy metal, phyoremediation has become the prominent due to its advantages of convenience, economy and no secondary pollution. It frequently occurs that the chromium(Cr)badly affects the growth of Switch grass, Shamrock and Leaf mustard. Controlling Cr uptake is a critical factor for three plants and its growth in Cr polluted environment. The regulation of Cr-uptake and accumulate in wheat plants during their growing were studied. Three plants were chosen to cultivate in the pot. In addition, this paper also sprouted toxicity tests by measuring seed germination, which predict and evaluate the potential toxicity of environmental pollutants chromium and availability of it. The results were as follows:1)these three plants were all non-hyper accumulators. Accumulation of Cr in three common plants was gradually rising in the first three weeks, and decreasing or steady in the last week. It’s considerable for three plants to absorb Cr. The accumulation quantity of Cr in Switch grass is 710.71mg/kg, which is the best of uptake. 2)By the seed germination tests, we found that mustard seed isn’t influenced by the low concentrations of Cr. However, when the Cr concentration is higher than 250mg/L, it inhibits its growth. This article has an important significant in sustainable development, and protect ecology further.
Keywords: Chromium pollution; Phytoremediation; Uptake; Accumulation
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目录 iv
1 引言 1
1.1 铬在自然界中的分布 1
1.2 铬污染及其来源 1
1.2.1 土壤中铬的来源 1
1.3 铬的危害 2
1.4 铬的毒性检测 2
1.5 植物修复 3
1.5.1 植物修复概念 3
1.5.2 植物修复进展 3
1.6 本研究的选题和意义 4