摘要本课题在已研制的新型缓释氮钾肥的基础上,加入磷、钾、钙、镁和铁元素,进一步研究缓释复合肥。选择不同的配比条件进行研制。用水溶出率法评价自行研制的复合型缓释肥料养分释放的特性,以初期溶出率为主要指标判断是否成乳以及评价肥料的缓释效果,结果表明乳化成功,缓释效果达到国家标准。通过实验判断 pH对营养元素释放规律的影响,实验数据表明,随着pH的增大,溶出有逐渐速度变慢的趋势。8306
关键词 乳化 缓释复合肥 水溶出率法 初期溶出率 pH
Title Preliminary Development of New Slow-release Compound Fertilizers and Evaluation of the Slow-release
Abstract:Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron were added into the fertilizers on the basis of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers to prepare the new slow-release compound fertilizers under the way of water-oil. In the process of the experiment,we choose different ratio condition to prepare the new slow-release compound fertilizers. The method “dissolution rate in water” was used to study the release properties of release fertilizers,and initial dissolution rate was used to judge whether the products were emulsified successfully and assess the release properties of slow-release fertilizers. Through the experimental judgment the influence of pH on release of nutrient elements. And the experimental results show that with the increase of pH, the slow-release speed slow.
Keywords:water-oil slow-release compound fertilizers dissolution rate in water initial dissolution rate pH
目 录
目 录 4
1 绪论 5
1.1 缓控释肥料的概念及定义 5
1.3缓释/控释肥的制作方法 6
1.4 肥料中常加的营养元素 7
1.5缓释/控释肥的测评方法 8
1.6 我国的酸雨状况以及酸雨危害 9
1.7本课题研究的问题和采用的手段 10
2 原理 11
2.1乳化机理 11
2.2硝酸根含量测定原理 11
2.3尿素含量测定原理 12
2.4磷酸根态磷含量测定原理 12
2.5钾含量测定原理 13
3 实验 14
3.1实验试剂 14
3.2实验器材 14
3.3实验步骤 15
4 结果与讨论 18
4.1标准曲线 18
4.2溶解实验 19
4.3乳化产品制备及测定 21
4.6实验中存在的问题 25
结论 26
致 谢 27
参 考 文 献 28