摘要:道路绿化是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,而道路植物配置的优劣将 直接影响一个城市的面貌和环境质量。本文在调查淮安市市区 30 条主要道路植 物配置现状的基础上,对道路横断面形式、植物种类、观赏效果,群落结构等进 行分析。调查记录植物 48 种,分属 35 科 41 属,其中乔木 20 种,灌木 16种,地被植物 12 种。调研结果表明,目前淮安市市区主要道路道路绿化水平和 质量均到达了较高的层次,植物配置也较为合理。但仍存在植物物种不丰富,缺 乏层次和季相变化等问题。应扩大乡土树种的应用,优化树种配置比例,丰富层 次结构,加强养护工作,从而提高淮安市道路景观效果。75842
Abstract:Road greening is an important part of urban green space system, and road plant configuration will directly affect the Portrait and the environment of the city。 According to the research of the plant land arrangement on the main 30 urban roads of Huaian City, the author analyzed the types of road cross section, plant species,ornamental effect and community structure。 There are 48 species of greening
trees noted in the investigate areas。Among them, there are 20 species of arbor,16 species of shrub, 12 species of ground cover plant。The results are as follows,at present, the greening level and quality of main road in Huaian City have obtained better achievements, and the plant disposition has also been more reasonable。But some problems have still been exposed: the plant species is not rich enough and the gradation of structure of plant arrangement is too humdrum and short of change。 In order to improve the landscaping level and promote the urban road greening in Huaian City, some countermeasure are put forward from the aspects, expanding the growth of native trees, selecting the fitting tree species, strengthening plant maintenance。
Key words: Huaian City, ,road green, plant disposition, investigate, analysis
1 前言 4
1。1 道路绿化的布置形式 4
1。2 道路绿化的特性 4
2 调查材料与方法 5
2。1 调查区概况 5
2。2 调查区范围 5
2。3 调查方法和时间 5
3 调查结果分析 6
3。1 道路绿地的横断面形式 6
3。2 道路绿地植物物种组成分析 6
3。3 道路绿地植物观赏特性分析 9
3。4 道路绿地植物群落结构类型 9
3。5 道路绿地植物生长状况分析 11
4 主要问题 12
4。1 植物物种不丰富,配置不合理 12
4。2 缺乏层次和季相变化 12
4。3 缺乏人性化的设计考虑 12
4。4 道路养护工作不足 12
5 建议 13
5。1 因地制宜,适地适树,丰富植物物种多样性 13
5。2 丰富层次结构和季相变化 13
5。3 提高建设标准 13
5。4 加强养护工作,形成全民绿化的新风潮