    摘要:作为一个知名的调料食品生产企业,如何控制好产品质量安全,让人们放心食用已经成为企业安身立命的头等大事。尤其是在这个信息如此发达的时代,人们越来越关注自己的健康问题,食品问题则是最重要的问题之一,一点点的安全问题也会被媒体刨根问底,追根溯源。控制好质量安全,才能保证企业的稳定。安全生产的根本就是对人、对物以及潜在的问题做提前预防和干预,加强生产企业的监管力度,从源头找到能消除食品安全的隐患是最有利、最快捷的措施。建立安全质量监管体系,通过食品风险分析利用数据对食品质量进行控制,同时参照SSOP、ISO9001、HACCP、GMP等体系规范来解决食品安全的隐患。风险分析是一种先进的管理模式,主要从分析评估、风险管理等几方面来考虑。 本文将理论知识与实验数据相结合,来分析控制办法是否有效,并且对可能产生的问题进行讨论,以确保产品安全。24214
    毕业论文关键字: 食品安全;风险分析;质量监控;防范措施
     The quality and safety theoretical analysis and control of condiment manufacturing enterprises
    Abstract: As a famous condiment manufacturing enterprise, how to control the quality and safety of food is very important. It has become the priority of a company to make people feel release to buy their products. Especially, in this developed information era, people start to pay attention to their own health problem. The safety of food is the key word today. A little bit security issues will arouse the media attention, they will try their best to get the proof and find the origin. If the quality and safety of the food have been controlled so well, the enterprise can be stable. The source of safety production is to prevent in advance and intervene the potential problems from people and resources, enhance the supervise strength of the manufacturing enterprise. The optimum measure is to discover the source problem in order to eliminate the hidden danger of the food safety. How to establish the quality and safety supervision system? It depends on food risk analysis using the data to control the food quality, and meanwhile, according to the system or rules something like SSOP、ISO9001、HACCP、GMP to solve the hidden trouble of the food safety. Risk analysis is an advanced management mode, which can be considered from the aspects of risk assessment、risk management and so on. This article uses theoretical knowledge combined with experiments to analyze the availability of the methods of controlling, and raise the potential issues to discuss in order to make sure the safety of the products.
    Key Words: Food safety;Risk analysis;Supervisory control of quality;Precaution of food
    目  录
     1.1  食品安全问题.1
      1.1.1 我国食品安全问题1
      1.1.2 企业中的食品安全问题..1
      1.1.3 调料生产企业面临的食品安全问题2
     1.2  各国面临食品安全问题的处理方式.2
     1.3  食品质量控制体系的意义.3
      1.3.1  SSOP与GMP的意义..3
      1.3.2  ISO9001的意义..4
      1.3.3  HACCP的意义.4
      1.3.4  食品风险分析的意义..4
     1.4  本课题研究的意义及思路5
      1.4.1  研究意义5
      1.4.2  研究思路6
    2 调料食品质量控制体系7
     2.1  SSOP7
      2.1.1 SSOP的概况.7
      2.1.2 企业应用的SSOP..8
    2.2  HACCP10
      2.2.1  HACCP的概况10
      2.2.2  HACCP的基本原理..10
      2.2.3  HACCP体系与GMP、SSOP间的关系.11
     2.3  食品风险分析11
      2.3.1  风险分析的概念.11
      2.3.2  风险分析与HACCP.11
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