    摘要:本论文以牛骨酶解液为热反应基料,添加还原糖、氨基酸等辅料进行热反应,以感官评定为指标,通过单因素试验对工艺配方及热反应条件进行优化,确定了最优美拉德反应体系:牛骨酶解液25g,牛肉酶解液8g,D-木糖0.25g,葡萄糖0.75g,L-半胱氨酸0.75g,DL-蛋氨酸0.75g,牛磺酸0.25g,牛油7.5g,HVP 0.25g,精4g,盐4.75g,酵母精5g,反应温度110℃,时间70min,pH7。然后对3种不同水解度的牛骨酶解液进行优化,感官评定结果表明水解度为22%的牛骨酶解液美拉德反应效果最好。然后用SPME提取反应产物牛肉香精成分进行GC-MS分析,比较3种产物的风成分。结果表明水解度为22%的牛骨酶解液美拉德反应产物杂环类化合物种类和含量最多,含有的感觉阈值很低的醛类物质、酸类化合物、酮类和硫醚类化合物最为适中,它们均可以增强牛肉香精的特征香气。7216
    关键词: 牛肉香精;美拉德反应;GC-MS
    Foundation of bovine bone hydrolysates thermal reaction system and analysis of odor-active compounds
    Abstract: In this paper, bovine bone hydrolyzates were used as the basic material for the thermal reaction.And other additives such as reducing sugar and amino acid were added for thermal reaction. The sensory evaluation was used as the indicator .The formulations and thermal reaction conditions were optimized through the Single factor test.The results showed that the optimum reaction system was :bone hydrolyzate 25g, beef hydrolyzate 8g, D-xylose 0.25g, glucose 0.75g, L-cysteine 0.75g, DL-methionine 0.75g, taurine 0.25g, beef lard 7.5g, HVP 0.25g, MSG 4g, salt 4.75g, yeast extract 5g, reaction temperature 110 ℃, time 70min, pH7. Then the 3 different degree of hydrolysis of bone hydrolysates was used for preparing the beef flavor through Maillard reaction.The results of sensory evaluation showed that DH of 22% of the bone hydrolysate was the best choice for Maillard reaction . Aroma extracts were prepared by SPME (solid-phase micro-extraction) and then analyzed by GC-MS. And the flavor components in the three product were compared . The result showed that the content and species of heterocyclic compounds in Maillard reaction products of the bone hydrolyzate (DH of 22% ) were more than those in others. The product also gave the moderate content of aldehydes, acids, ketones and thioether compounds which had low perception threshold. The components above can enhance the beef flavor’s characteristic aroma.
      Key Words: Beef flavor; Maillard reaction; GC-MS  

    1 引言    1
        1.1畜禽骨的利用价值    1
    1.2 国内外牛骨的利用现状    1
    1.3 牛肉香精概述    2
    1.4 热反应介绍    2
    1.4.1 美拉德反应    2
    1.4.2 美拉德反应机理    3
    1.4.3  肉类香形成机理    4
    1.5 牛肉香精的分析与检测方法介绍    4
    1.5.1感官评定方法    4
    1.5.2 固相微萃取    4
    1.5.3 GC-MS分析    5
    1.6 本课题的研究目的及意义    5
    1.7 本课题主要研究内容    6
    2 试验材料和方法    7
    2.1 试验材料    7
    2.2试验仪器    8
    2.3试验方法    8
    2.3.1牛肉酶解液的制备    8
    2.3.2 牛骨酶解液的制备    9
    2.3.3 牛肉香精的制备    9
    2.3.4 感官评定    9
    2.3.5 SPME/GC-MS分析    9
    2.3.6 调香    10
    3 结果与讨论    10
    3.1 美拉德反应配方的选定    10
    3.1.1 木糖对牛肉风形成的影响    10
  1. 上一篇:鸡肉膏状香精的制备研究+文献综述
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