    摘要:本实验通过Plackett-Burman多因素实验,筛选出对块状再制干酪功能特性影响最为显著的四个因素(WPC34、WPC80、WPI、加热温度)。确定实验基础配方后,研究乳清蛋白添加量和种类对块状再制干酪功能特性的影响。检测指标为水分、pH、融化性、TPA质构和感官评定。通过测定得到融化性最差的乳清蛋白是WPI(80g)即最耐高温。不同种类和添加量的乳清蛋白对块状再制干酪功能特性均有影响。结果表明,选用WPC80作为块状再制干酪中乳清蛋白的功能特性效果最好,最适添加范围约在40-60g。通过荧光显微镜观察块状再制干酪的微观结构,进一步验证了乳清蛋白的高蛋白,低脂肪营养特性。关键词: 再制干酪;乳清蛋白;融化性;质构;荧光显微镜关键缩写词:10087
    TPA = texture profile analysis 质构分析
    WPC= whey protein concentrate浓缩乳清蛋白
    WPI= whey  protein  isolation分离乳清蛋白
    Effect on Functional Features of Whey Protein in Block Processed Cheese
    Abstract: The experiment was studied on getting the most significant factors on functional features of whey protein in block processed cheese (WPC34, WPC80, WPI & heating temperature) by Plackett-Burman experiment. The effect on functional features of whey protein in block processed cheese was researched as the aspect of the amount and the kinds of whey protein after the basic formula was confirmed. Moisture, pH, melting property, TPA & sensory evaluation were used to test the sample. And the results indicated that the worst melting property of whey protein is WPI (80g), which means the thermostability is best. The texture of block processed cheese was affected by the amount and the kinds of whey protein. In conclusion, WPC80 approximately 40-60g, as the whey protein in block processed cheese was the best choice. The microscopic structure of the block processed cheese, was observed through a fluorescence microscope, further verify the high protein & low fat nutritional properties of whey protein.
    Keywords: processed cheese; melting property; texture profile analysis; fluorescence microscope
    1 引言    1
    1.1 乳清蛋白概述    1
    1.1.1 乳清蛋白的定义    1
    1.1.2 乳清蛋白的分类    1
    1.1.3 乳清蛋白营养价值    3
    1.1.4 乳清蛋白功能特性    3
    1.2再制干酪概述    3
    1.2.1 再制干酪的定义    4
    1.2.2 再制干酪的分类    4
    1.2.3 再制干酪的营养价值    5
    1.2.4 再制干酪功能特性与影响因素    5
    1.3 再制干酪的功能特性检测方法    5
    1.3.1 物化指标测定(水分、pH)    5
    1.3.2 质构TPA测定    6
    1.3.3 融化性测定    7
    1.3.4 感官评定    8
    1.3.5 荧光显微镜分析    8
    1.4 国内外再制干酪的研究现状    8
    1.5 国内外再制干酪市场    9
    1.6 研究目的和意义    10
    1.7 主要研究内容    10    
    2 材料与方法    11
    2.1 实验材料    11
    2.1.1 实验原料    11
    2.1.2 实验试剂    11
    2.1.3 实验仪器与设备    11
    2.2 实验方法    12
    2.2.1 再制干酪制作的工艺流程    12
    2.2.2 水分含量的测定    12
    2.2.3 pH的测定    12
    2.2.4 感官评定    13
    2.2.5 再制干酪的融化性测定    13
    2.2.6 再制干酪的质构测定    13
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