Abstract:This work is the first part of a project dealing with an in-depth study of effective techniques used incin order to make accurate forecasts in the concrete framework of one of the major economies of the most productive Italian area, namely the province of Verona. In particular, we develop an approach mainly based on vector autoregressions, where lagged values of two or more variables are considered, Granger causality, and the stochastic trend approach useful to work with the cointegration phenomenon. Latter techniques constitute the core of the present paper, whereas in the second part of the project, we present how these approaches can be applied to economic data at our disposal in order to obtain concrete analysis of applied to economic data at our disposal in order to obtain concrete analysis.
Keywords: Econometrics time series ,autorgressive models, Granger causality, cointegration ,stochastic nonstationarity ,AIC and BIC,trands and breaks
第一章绪论 1
1.1课题研究目的与意义 1
1.1.1选题目的 1
1.1.2选题意义 1
1.2电视收视率发展状况 1
1.2.1电视收视率在国内的发展状况 1
1.2.2电视收视率在国外的发展状况 2
第二章本文主要研究内容 3
2.1关于电视收视率统计基于时间序列分析的目标 3
2.2电视收视率的采集 3
2.2.1AR模型 3
2.2.2MA模型 4
2.2.3 ARMA模型 4
2.2.4 ARIMA模型 5
2.3时间序列的分析 5
2.3.1上班时间收视率分析 5
2.3.2不上班时间收视率分析 8
第三章收视率预测 11
3.1关于电视收视率数据的挖掘 11
3.2分类在电视收视率数据的挖掘上 11
3.2.1关联分析 11
3.2.2聚类分析 11
3.2.3分类 11
3.2.4预测 12
3.2.5序列模式分析 12