Inequality has been our focus on mathematics learning process, and because of flexible inequality proven methods, so it is our mathematical learning difficulties in the process of studying 。 Since the function and nature of mathematical knowledge is always through learning, this paper summarizes the use of advanced mathematics in high school mathematics and knowledge of the nature and function of the idea of proof inequality, comprising the bounded sexual of function, the convexity of function, the monotonic of function, the most extreme values, and parity, and summarizes the Elementary Mathematics comparison, synthesis method, analysis, scaling law, mathematical induction, reductio ad absurdum, substitution method and other evidence-based approach, the nature of the function and basic method of proof to prove the combination to solve the problem of inequality from the corresponding case examples to illustrate the method of proof and specific application of these methods。
毕业论文关键词:不等式; 证明; 函数性质; 初等数学
Keywords:Inequality;Proof;Function property;Application
1。 引言 6
1。1不等式证明的历史背景 6
1。3不等式证明的概述 6
2。不等式的基本性质 7
3。函数的有界性与不等式 7
3。1函数的有界性 7
3。1。1函数有界性的定义 7
3。1。2函数有界性的几何特征 7
3。2利用函数的有界性证明不等式 8
4。函数的凹凸性与不等式 9
4。1凸函数的定义、性质 9
4。1。1凸函数的定义 9
4。1。2凸函数的几种等价定义 9
4。1。3凸函数的性质及定理 9
4。1。4常见的凸函数 10
4。2凸函数的不等式 10
4。2。1琴生(Jensen)不等式 10
4。2。2加权琴生(Jensen)不等式 10
4。2。3赫尔德(Holder)不等式 10
4。2。4阿达马(Hadamard)不等式 10
4。2。5闵可夫斯基(Minkowski)不等式 11
4。3凸函数在不等式中的应用 11
4。3。1利用Jensen不等式证明不等式 11
4。3。2利用加权Jensen不等式证明不等式 12