


    Investigation and Analysis on the present situation of girls in junior high school in Luoyang City

    Abstract: This paper to Jili District, Luoyang City of six junior high school all teachers and most of the female students as the research object, Jili District, Luoyang City junior high school girls in the status of basketball has carried on the investigation and the analysis, in the course of the investigation find the constraints of Jili District, Luoyang City junior high school girls to participate in basketball factors, and the in-depth analysis of, to find a solution to the constraints of Jili District, Luoyang City junior high school girls attend the basketball movement development methods and put forward my suggestions and Countermeasures of convex showing. In the course of the investigation, I found that Jili District, Luoyang City of six junior high school facilities are more perfect Understand and investigated the demand for sports and to meet the teachers and students. In addition, I also to six school basketball teaching staff. The school has specialized basketball sports teachers, but only three schools trained teachers basketball of higher education, to students of regular basketball training, and can give theoretical guidance. Finally, I also to every school curriculum management and organization for the investigation and understanding; each school have special basketball courses of each grade of students teaching, but each school each semester is only 6 to 4 classes, in which there are three schools have a women's basketball team. And the school is also working days of extra-curricular activities arranged for a particular teacher to give guidance, so this is to a large extent also contributed to the other girls in the school to participate in basketball.

    Key words: Women's basketball; junior high school; venues and facilities; teaching staff 

    目    录

    摘要 1

    引言 3

    1研究对象与方法 3

    1.1 研究对象 3

    1.2 研究方法 3

    2研究结果与分析 4

    2.1对洛阳市吉利区初级中学女子篮球运动开展现状的调查 4

    2.2影响洛阳市吉利区初级中学女子篮球运动开展的因素分析 7

    3 结论与建议

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