摘 要:本文针对江苏省体育生教学基本功大赛竞赛内容的选择进行分析和思考,探寻适应基础教育改革发展的师范生培养需求。开展师范生教学基本功大赛,是借比赛这样一种机制,促使各培养学校充分认识教师教学基本功在教师专业素养中的重要地位积极推动全省师范生教学基本功训练。主要采用文献资料法、访问调查法和逻辑分析法进行课题研究,发现虽然2015年举办的第四届江苏省体育生教学基本功大赛竞赛项目较往届有多处改进,但仍存在与实际教学应用脱节、考核内容少等问题。对此,本文提出增加考核内容、技术成绩与技评相结合等建议。70252
Abstract:Paper chooses Jiangsu Province Sports Health Education Contest The contest for analysis and reflection, to adapt to normal students to explore the basic education needs of reform and development culture. Students carry out normal teaching basic skills competition, the game is to use such a mechanism to promote the culture of each school teachers teaching basic skills to fully understand the importance of teachers 'professional quality in actively promoting the province's Students' Teaching basic skills training. Mainly literature, conduct investigation and research access logic analysis, found that although the fourth in Physical Health Education Contest Contest 2015 organized than the previous there are many improvements, but there are still out of touch with the actual teaching application , examination content and less problems. In this regard, we propose to optimize game system, increase the assessment content, technology and performance combined assessment and other technical advice.
Keywords:Jiangsu province,Physical education,Teaching basic skills,Competitions,think
目 录
1 前言3
2 研究对象和研究方法3
2.1 研究对象3
2.2 研究方法3
2.2.1 文献资料法3
2.2.2 访问调查法3
2.2.3 逻辑分析法3
3 研究结果与分析3
3.1 江苏省体育师范生教学基本功大赛的作用3
3.2 历届江苏省体育师范生教学基本功大赛竞赛内容的选择4
3.3 江苏省体育师范生教学基本功大赛竞赛内容的分析5
3.3.1 基础知识5
3.3.2 通用技能6
3.3.3 专业技能8
4 结论与建议10
4.1 结论10
4.2 建议10
1 前言