Fuzzy rhetoric has a positive effect on promoting the smooth development of the negotiation process Therefore, in the trend of globalization, seeking common interests while reserving differences is the base of cooperation between China and United States in today’s society Researching the function of fuzzy rhetoric in Sino-US business negotiations includes it’s characteristics and applications And fuzzy rhetoric really makes a difference for the development of our country

II Proposal and Research Content of Fuzzy Rhetoric

21 Proposal and Present Situation of Fuzzy Rhetoric 

As a famous Cybernetic expert at the university of California, Lazadch published a paper named Fuzzy Sets in 1965, and he is the first one to put forward the theory about fuzzy rhetoric Fuzzy theory, also was first introduced from abroad by the famous Chinese professor Wu Tieping Since its publication in 1978, this theory has contributed to the social advancement The theory of fuzzy sets encompasses a well managed corpus of basic ideas and includes aggregation operations, a theory of relations, specific measures of information delivery It is a versatile tool for both linguistic and numerical modeling Numerous works now combine fuzzy concepts with other scientific disciplines as well as modern technologies As the reflection of the objective, language also has fuzzy characteristic as well as the reality 来`自+优-尔^论:文,网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

The history of rhetoric is a science which studies how to use language to express the feelings accurately and vividly, and strives to improve the effect of expression The basic requirements of rhetoric are accuracy and clarity Accuracy as the first element, is the basis of expression However, with the introduction of the western theory of fuzzy language, it is found that accuracy not always get the best results The expression of language can not be separated from the communicative purposes and the specific context, but only to pursue the accuracy Sometimes accurate expression is outdated and limp, but in some special circumstances, the fuzzy expression is more appropriate, and can achieve good results That is to say, in the use of language, sometimes it needs to be accurate, clear, vivid but sometimes it is necessary to be vague Because fuzzy language makes the language more vivid, and can enhance the effect of language expression, the theory of fuzzy language gradually aroused people’s great concern

















