     关键词   红外偏振  小波包变换  融合算法  NSCT   19353
    Title     The polarization image fusion algorithms
    Abstract: As people have detection technology and the development of sensor technology, and the complexity of the modern military war is increasing day by day, the photoelectric detection system is becoming more and more high sensitivity and accuracy of the request.
        This paper introduces the principle of polarization imaging and several polarization constant, such as the representation method of stokes parameter, the polarization Angle, polarization, etc., and then introduces the image fusion algorithm based on wavelet packet transform polarization and based on the NSCT infrared polarization and intensity of the image fusion research, draw the conclusion: 1. The infrared polarization target recognition and perception of the image is more advantageous to scene, is a rapid and effective fusion method. 2. Based on the infrared polarization and intensity of NSCT image fusion algorithm is more advantageous to show the overall effect of the image and detail information.
    Keywords: polarization                Wavelet packet
              transform Fusion algorithm     NSCT
             目 次
    1    引言    1
    1.1  绪论    1
    1.2  国外研究现状    3
    1.3  国内研究现状    4
    1.4  本文主要工作    4
    2    偏振成像的原理    5
    2.1  光的偏振理论基础    5
    2.2  红外辐射理论基础    8
    3    偏振常数的表示方法    10
    3.1  斯托克斯参量表示    10
    3.2  偏振角    11
    3.3  偏振度    13
    4    基于小波包变换的中波红外偏振图像融合研究    14
    4.1  目的和概述    14
    4.2  中波红外偏振图像的获取    14
    4.3  基于小波包变换偏振图像的融合算法    15
    4.4  融合实验及性能评价    29
    4.5  章节小节    22
    5    基于NSCT的红外偏振与光强图像的融合算法    23
    5.1  非采样Countourlet变换    23
    5.2  基于NSCT的红外偏振与光强图像的融合方法    23
    5.3  实验结果    24
    结 论    25
    致 谢    26
    参 考 文 献    27
     1 引言
    1.1 绪论
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